Top 10 weird or wonderful Interview questions
Over my many years in recruitment I've seen my fair share of weird and wonderful interview questions being asked.
Last week I set the team a goal - for every candidate they spoke to, the target would be to find one weird or wonderful interview question that they had been asked at some point in their career.
We've all heard the age long saying "Fail to prepare then prepare to fail" interviews are certainly no exception to the rule.
If you can somehow prepare for the questions below I'm more than confident of you exceeding expectations in any forthcoming interviews.
"Can you calculate how many tennis balls are used during the course of Wimbledon?"
"Estimate the total number of cars in the UK."
"how many calories are in your local supermarket."
"How would you sell a fridge to an eskimo?"
"What would you take to a lonely island with you and why?"
"Is batman a super hero?"
"You have 17 red and 17 blue balls, and you remove 2 at a time. If the two are the same colour, add in one extra blue ball. If they are different colours, add in an extra red ball. What colour is the final ball removed?"
"What cartoon character would you be and why?"
"What is the wildest thing you have done?"
"What was your opinion of the film Blair Witch Project?"
Any others?