The Top 10 Websites In The World In 2019
MyWebBro is a marketing brand for DASWOW Digital Advertising Solutions - Matthew Panepinto (c) 2019

The Top 10 Websites In The World In 2019

In this video, let's take a look at the top ten websites in the world according to Alexa. In the top ten list are a few websites that everyone in America has heard of and a few websites that very few Americans have probably heard of. We also get a valuable perspective in regards to global e-commerce market share when we see how far down the list Amazon sits. I was surprised to learn who the #1 e-commerce website in the world is and I was surprised to learn what an impressive lead china has over the US in regards to e-commerce website traffic.

Website Reviews by [email protected] I'm passionate about helping business owners achieve their marketing goals. A great place to start is by evaluating your current website and determining if it is going to be able to generate the kind of exposure we need to really take your sales to the next level.

If you want to generate more leads for your business, please contact me anytime! Visit and or go ahead and give me a friendly call: 714-913-7508 (Yes, I'll usually answer!)


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