The Top 10 Ways To Fail At Online Marketing

The Top 10 Ways To Fail At Online Marketing

In this article, I want to talk about something that is definitely for online coaches, but also online marketers in general. I want to talk to you about the 10 Top Ways To Fail At Online Marketing.

1. Adopting The “If You Build It, They Will Come” Approach

The first way to fail at online marketing is having the “if you build it, they will come” approach. Sure, you can build beautiful landing pages and have a great website. But if you sit back and just expect people to flood to it and find you, it's not going to happen. And because of that, a lot of people, I think, give up. They build it and spend all these hours putting something together and then nothing happens. And they just assume that it doesn't work.

Meanwhile, there are many people out there who are making it work, who are proving them wrong. Yes, you can build all these beautiful websites and landing pages and things like that, but unless you are actually driving people to them, and traffic to them, no one is going to visit them. And you're never going to get anywhere.

So you need to be driving social media, through organic but also paid strategies, to whatever you're building, for you to have success online.

2. Being a Pretender

The second way that you can fail in online marketing is to be a pretender. Don't be a pretender. Everyone has to start somewhere. You don't want to come out and pretend you're super successful and claim that you're a seven-figure earner when you're not.

Steph and I are just starting out. I mean, we've been online marketing for a couple of years. We've been trying different things. And now we're finally taking everything that we've learned, and we're going to teach other people how to do it. I use it in my author career as a fiction writer.

For the last five years, I've been doing all my marketing with that. We've been doing affiliate marketing, all sorts of different marketing. And we now know how to drive traffic, we know how to find an avatar. We know how to get organic and paid strategies. And now we're going to teach people a system, on how to do that, that's going to make it easy for them.

We are the first to admit that at the moment we have more expertise than experience.

But being a pretender, not being honest, people can see through that. You don't want to get a bad name.

Don't think that people aren't going to follow you if you haven't been in this game for very long.

If you're a leader and you know what you're doing, you only have to be one step ahead of the pack. And some people are more comfortable following someone, who's not way ahead of them. So start small, build but don't go making any claims that aren't true.

3. Relying On Luck

The third way for you to fail at online marketing is to rely on luck. I guess that goes hand in hand with “if you build it they will come” strategy.

You know we have a saying in the author world, “it takes ten years to become an overnight success”. All these authors who've become overnight successes, they've been there working hard, they've been writing and they've been trying to publish, and spinning their wheels for a long time before they became successful.

All your online marketing people out there, who are doing really really well, they have worked their way up, like the mailman who works his way up to become the CEO of a company.

You've got to start from the bottom and learn what you need to know to get all the way up there. There's no such thing as luck.

Now I get this a lot, I've been told by quite a few people, that I'm lucky to be a dentist. “Aww you're so lucky to be a dentist”. Like I woke up one day and whoo hoo I was a dentist!

No, that took five years of hard work. And now 25 years of practising to be earning what I can earn as a dentist if I want to earn it as a dentist. Okay, so there's no luck in that.

I've also been told that I'm lucky, to have published ten books. There's no such thing as luck there either when you're taking four or five months to write a book and then you're editing and publishing, and you're up late at night doing that. There's no such thing as luck, okay? Winning the Lotto, yes possibly lucky. But apart from that, it's all hard work.

4. Producing Low-Quality Products

Another way you can fail at online marketing is by producing crap and expecting people to buy it. Sure, you might make some sales, but what's going to happen is that these people will not come back to you and buy anything else.

Online marketing is really about developing a relationship with people and showing them you're the expert that they can trust.

You can lead them, and you want to have different levels of help that you can offer people as you grow and build different levels.

For instance, Steph and I, at the moment, are opening up our Beta program to online coaches. As we grow and develop and learn more from our mentors that we've recently taken on, we will then be able to pass more information on.

You don't want to produce crap because there will be people who will follow you, and you need to build a good relationship with them so that they will come back and buy from you again and again.

They say a buyer is a buyer, is a buyer. So if there are people who look and have a problem or an itch to scratch, you can sell them more than one thing. Unless you're selling them crap.

The other thing about selling crap is that you're going to get bad reviews and you're going to get customer requests for a refund. So you're just going to die in the water anyway. It's going to give more stress and strain than any benefits.

5. Thinking That You Know It All

The fifth way to fail at online marketing is to think that you know it all. There's a lot of people who like to be the big fish in the small pond. Don't be the big fish in the small pond, okay? Just admit to yourself that you don't know everything.

There's always going to be someone out there who knows more than you, that's ahead of you, that has built a bigger business than you. You want to be hunting down those people continuously, and learning from them and continuing to grow.

But apart from that fact, it's no fun when you're not learning. If you want to be an expert and be the king of the castle in your very small town, fine. But I find that there's no fun when you're not learning, continuing and growing. So don't think you know it all, because you don't.

6. Marketing To Everyone

The sixth way is marketing to everyone. Dan Kennedy once said, “If you're marketing to everyone, you're marketing to no one.” You need to work out who it is that you are marketing to so that you can talk directly to them.

We talk to online coaches because we know the pain and frustration that those online coaches are going through. We know that they want to help people. But they just don't have the time to learn how to build their business online, as well as help people. They are spending lots of money trying to get there and they are frustrated and feel like it's not going to work. They feel like a failure.

We know the pain and frustrations of online coaches mainly because we've been there before. We were them before we spent large sums of money investing in ourselves to get ahead. So you don't want to market to everyone.

I like to think of it like when you get a brand new pencil and it's flat on top and you have to sharpen it. You sharpen it and sharpen, sharpen, sharpen, sharpen, and wood curls are coming off. Eventually, you get this nice, pointy sharp pencil.

You want to be a sharp pencil.

And you know when it's writing and your pencil gets blunt? You can't read your writing, so first of all, you've got a blunt tool, which is not going to do anything.

So if you are just going out there, no one's going to listen to you because you're not talking their language. You're not catching their attention and you're not talking to them.

If you're using a slightly blunt pencil, well sure, you might get some people but people are having trouble getting the message. It's a bit fuzzy because the pencil is blunt.

You want a sharp pencil. You want to be in their head, reading their mind. That's how you're going to build a successful online business.

So don't market to everyone. Work out who you want to market to and then sharpen your pencil so that you're marketing just to them.

7. Not Doing Marketing Research

You need to know who you want to market to. A lot of us produce a product and then we go looking for someone to sell it to. What happens is that we produce something because it's what we want instead of producing something that somebody needed.

When you find who you want to work with, and who you want to serve, and who you want to help, look at what they need, what they're problems are.

And from that, you create something that is specifically for them. It's going to solve their problem. That's when you're going to be successful. And that's possible because of marketing research.

Don't get lazy. I have to admit, I'm a lazy market researcher. But Steph is an awesome market researcher. I'm very lucky to have her.

I am a creator, I like to create and I like to go out and create logos and do all this sort of stuff. This is what I've spent years doing and then I'm wondering why it didn't work. And it was because I was creating a logo for me and not for somebody. Let's face it, logos aren't really important anyway. It's what you can do for someone that's important. So make sure you do your market research and work out exactly how you can help someone, then go out and do it.

8. Just Being A Consumer

The eighth way that you can fail at online marketing is just being a consumer. We call this FOMO, fear of missing out. Buying course after course after course.

I've been there myself. Steph and I have spent over six figures, between us trying to learn online marketing. A lot of it taught us the skills that we needed but all these pieces, all these courses that people put out there, they might teach you an element but it's not teaching you the whole thing. And unfortunately, the way they sell this is like, that is all you need.

“All you need is a Facebook group” or “all you need is an Instagram page” or “all you need is this”. When in reality, you need a whole lot more. And that's where our machine that we have put together and we talk about and we teach comes in. It's about how it all plays together.

I get it, I get the whole fear of missing out thing because I also have a huge fear of missing out. We keep on buying and more often than not, it's actually the feeling of buying it, that gives us the satisfaction. And then we don't even watch the training.

What we need to do is that we need to find somebody who will teach us exactly everything that we need to do in online marketing.

They are not as cheap as a course, admittedly. But you think about all those courses that you've bought, where have they got you? You probably learned a bit, but you are still struggling.

9. Having Nothing to Sell

The ninth way you can fail at online marketing is not having anything to sell. You need something to sell, obviously. But otherwise, I know this sounds counter-intuitive, but you have no idea how many people need to know that fact.

Steph and I were two of them. We wanted to make money online and we knew there was money to make online. Both of us wanted to get in there and have a piece of it. But we had nothing to sell. That's where affiliate marketing comes into it. But unfortunately, there are so many people doing it now. They're doing it so badly. You know affiliate marketing's getting the same greasy feel about it that network marketing used to have. I think network marketing's actually done a full circle and starting to clean up a little bit.

As we said before, you need to find that group of people, who have a problem and then you need to sell to them. Find something that they need and sell that to them.

10. Giving Up

Lastly, you can fail at online marketing when you just give up. And you know I have this thing, that there's no such thing as a failure. I don't actually count any of these things as failures. I count them as stumbling blocks on the way to success.

But there is one way to fail and that's to give up. You give up, you will never get there.

Look I get it, some mornings I wake up drained, I have nothing. And I just felt like, this is too hard. I want to give up.

And from what I analyzed, it's basically those days where I was just working too hard. I had lost the ratio between work and play. So now I really make sure I take time out for myself. I go to yoga, I walk the dogs, I actually talk to people. And used to walk around the dog park trying to work out metrics and funnels and a lot of things in my head. Now I put all that aside and just concentrate on being present.

Make sure that you keep a healthy play to work balance. That's going to help you not want to quit.

Other times when I've felt like quitting, I just go and have a good night's sleep. And then I'm fine again the next day.

But I want to tell you, that if you want to make money online and if you put in the hard work and you find the right people to help you, it is worth it. It is worth the lifestyle. It's worth not having to go to a job every day at a nine-to-five schedule. It is worth being able to help people, that you never would have been able to contact, if you weren't online, if you were just in a bricks-and-mortar business, waiting for people to come to you. It is definitely worth it. So don't give up. Don't make any of these mistakes. But definitely, don't quit.

I hope you got some value from this article.

At Social Media Bomb, we specialise in teaching coaches how to build the online-marketing machine that will allow them to grow a predictable, sustainable and scalable income. If you would like to talk to me about how we can help you, just click this link so you can choose a time to have a chat:


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