Top 10 Tips On Writing Blogs That People Will Actually Read

Top 10 Tips On Writing Blogs That People Will Actually Read

Blogs have now attained a high status amid various brand promotion strategies. When you explore blogs to enhance market reach, you need to write them well from the readers’ angle. They like to get updated information, but it should be user-friendly. So, when writing blogs, it is not just about an issue or topic but also how you take that to the readers.

Marketers have blogs on their priority list since people like to be updated on products, services or burning issues. With such information, they can make the right decisions such as buying a product.

But writing blogs that people find interesting and useful is not easy and driving traffic is even more difficult. A problem many writers face is the competition. A huge number of blogs is already available on a topic. Your blog is just one tiny piece of information amongst hundreds of existing blogs on the web. That implies that you have a huge competition to face when it comes to catching the potential readers’ attention.

Another problem with writing blogs is that not all of them help you get much-needed traffic. A consistent increase in the traffic through your blog is essential to reach out to more people and turn them into loyal customers. But they will come to your blog only when it meets their expectations.

Blog writing is not more about discussing an issue or solving people’s problems. While providing them with some useful tips, the emphasis when writing blogs for modern readers is on presentation. They do not like to scroll down the monotonous text of paragraphs endlessly. Instead, they want the writer to engage them with images, infographics, even animation where needed. Most importantly, the blog design should be such that the information comes to the reader in a friendly way.

Way to Get Readership Consistently

When we talk of readership, it means that more and more readers are showing their interest in your blog posts. When the traffic increases substantially, it is known as a ‘spike of hope.’ This boost in traffic is usually when a blog post is first published and promoted.

However, if people are not interested in the blog, the traffic slumps all sudden on the very second day. That is called as ‘flatline of nope.’ Now, this is where the problem of maintaining a consistent flow of traffic arises.

Note that organic search is the main source of website traffic. According to some surveys, nearly 51% of the traffic comes from search engines, known as organic search. This shows that of all the traffic from all the sources, more than half of it comes from organic search.

Here Are 10 Tips for Writing Blogs That More People Read

01. Decide on The Topic

There may be too many topics in your mind. But, how to write a blog post with the right topic! Do not think that you are going to write on all of them. That may prove to be a wastage of time if not many people are coming to the blogs to read as you will find later.

Remember that your aim should be to bring more traffic to your blog posts. But you need to first decide which topics people are likely to search more.

Sometimes, a writer struggles to come up with great blog ideas. In that case, it is better to go back to your successful blogs and evaluate why people liked those posts. If you are still in doubt, then use some search tools that are dedicated to keyword research and topic research.

They can give you an idea about the keywords and related topics that people are interested in reading.

02. Pick the Topics with Potential Traffic

You have many topic ideas when writing a blog. But not all of them can drive a good amount of traffic. Therefore, use software like Google Trends. This tool gives you the relative popularity of the keywords or topics you search for.

So, you can use Google Trends to compare a few topics to find out which one of them is the most popular. This search helps in giving more time on the topics that matter the most from the point of view of popularity and potential traffic.

If you write a blog that gets only a small amount of traffic, then it may not be worth our time and efforts. Therefore, it is better to avoid topics with negligible traffic.

If you are writing a blog to promote brands, then pick the topics that are most relevant to your niche. Such blogs hold the potential to convert a reader into loyal customers in the end.

03. Check for Competition

After you have the right ideas for writing blogs, it is important also to find out if they can rank high on Google search results. After all, people will visit your business by making a search on Google by inserting keywords related to your business and industry. Many software to check the competition can give you an idea of which topics to write about.

For example, use Ahrefs’ and its Keyword Explorer. Enter your topic in its search box. You will know the keyword difficulty for the topic. If the keyword difficult is less than 10, it is considered rankable and you should write blogs on that topic.

But know the intent also. When you enter a topic and keyword in the KD, you also come to know about its intent. This shows who are the people using those keywords and topics.

Are they simply seeking some information or are they, buyers? So, know the intention of the people. For example, if the intention is of buying, then write a blog from the buyers’ point of view.

04. Arrange Ideas in A Structure

When you have finally decided on a topic, now is the time to give it a structure. One of the useful blog writing tips is that you should work out which information is the most important and which one is of lesser significance. Make a judicious outline for the topic.

Make sure that you plan the topics in such a way that the readers can know what the information is all about. This means that you need to give headings, sub-headings and if required sub-subheading.

In this way, you can create a visual hierarchy for the readers as per the importance of content. You will put the most important information under the header, which should be used once in a post. Then, lesser important content goes under sub-headers and sub-sub-headers.

05. Make A Draft

After you have outlined the blog details, write a draft. Do not restrict yourself at this stage and just write it out whatever comes to your mind related to the topic. Do not go back to improve. Instead, do not worry about any correction and write non-stop without interruptions.

You should avoid re-arranging your outline. Do not worry also about the flow and forget about rewriting your sentences or paragraphs. You can do a lot of editing later.

After the first draft is over, revisit it to fix any mistakes. You should not only correct grammatical errors but also shuffle the sections to reorder them if you think it right.

06. Get the Second Opinion

After you are done with the first draft, send it to your peers for advice. The point here is to get neutral advice since you are too close to what you are writing. Sometimes, other people judge anything better as they are seeing or evaluating it with no strings attached. It is better to show the draft to some experienced person who knows how to write and have some knowledge of the topic.

It may be that your blog has many technical terms mentioned which normal readers do not like as it is jargon for them. Or, your friends can point out poor flow that you could not spot. You can ask for feedback even for a section of your blog by highlighting that.

07. Work on The Suggestions

Once you have the feedback, edit your blogs. This is a crucial top for writing blogs. Do not ignore those suggestions and think over them from a different angle. Few of those pieces of advice may be good for making your writing much more impactful.

You should ponder on each point and see how you can improve on it considering the advice you got from friends or seniors. But do not make the changes for the sake of it. Make a prudent judgment.

Another thing to note here is about the style. If someone suggests you change your writing style for that blog, ignore it. It may be that you will adopt the style of the writer who suggested the improvements.

But be prepared to make many drafts and rearrange your blog points again and again until it is fully satisfactory to you.

08. Format Properly

When writing a blog, make it certain that you format blog well before posting it. If you do it, then your readers will find understanding the blog content easier. This implies that there should be images and other things that make reading a blog a pleasant experience. We all know how we enjoy memes and GIFs more than mare reading a long chunk of text.

While writing and posting blogs, do use some relevant images with the post. This works well for breaking the monotony arising from the text. With images alongside the text, a reader’s eye gets much-needed relief from the stress of reading text only.

Write smaller paragraphs for the ease of reading. Present your content in bulleted points where required. Do not write jargon or technical words. But if you must write, then explain or simplify them.

Write in a friendly style just as if you are talking to your friends. Software such as Hemingway is useful to find out if your readers can understand your writing easily or not.

09. Upload to Your CMS

Once you have polished your blog, the next step is to upload it to your Content Management System. Many experts recommend using WordPress because it is easily customizable. It also is useful for quickly updating and integrating blogs with many programs and plug-ins. So, when asking how to write a blog post, do not forget your CMS.

For example, if you write on Google Docs, you can easily send your blog post to WordPress in a single click. You need to use Workable to export whatever you formatted such as bolded text, header tags, etc.

10. Spice Up Your URL And Title

After your blog title appears on the top search rankings, make people click on the link. For that, your blog title should entice them to click. The title should be click-worthy.

To polish the title, try to include some words such as ‘incredible’ and ‘awesome’. Give the readers some numbers in the title so that they are encouraged to learn about how many tips they can access.

Also, your URL should be descriptive and short. Ensure that you craft a perfect SEO title tag. You can edit the title and URL easily. Your visitors will note your title tag first on the search results. The title tag is your opportunity to make a good first impact on the viewers. Your brand name also should appear on your title tag so that visitors click. These key blog writing tips should keep you on the right track while writing blogs.

To Sum Up…

When writing blogs, the topic, title, and body content should all be useful to the readers. Pick a suitable topic on an interesting issue. Present the content in a bulleted form and break the monotony of the text with images. There are many other tips to follow for making a blog interesting.


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