Top 10 Things To Do The Day After You Ate All The Halloween Candy...
10. Hide all the wrappers in the neighbors trash!
9. Deny it ever happened!
8. Order your Venti Mocha from Starbucks with four extra shots of espresso in an attempt to counter the insane sugar crash!
7. Make an appointment for the dentist...that rear molar now has a hole the size of Pluto!
6. Wear only need for shame!
5. Create a new workout schedule for November and import it into all of your mobile devices...this time you will stick to it!
4. Take a nap or two!
3. Plan to take your dog for a long walk clearing your mind and doing your body good...just plan!
2. Promise yourself this will never ever happen again!
1. Find the very last Snickers hiding under the couch...enjoy it :)