Top 10 resume mistakes
Let's talk about resumes.
At some point in your life, probably sooner than you think, you're going to have to write one of these things. And whether you're applying for a job or an internship, or in some cases even a scholarship, your resume is likely going to be the first thing that the decision-maker sees, when they're evaluating you.
If you see something missing from this list, make sure you mention it in the comments below. Let's jump into it.
Mistake #1, an unprofessional email address. This will ruin your chances of getting a job interview. Make sure your email address on your resume is professional. Preferably your first and last name or some variation of your first and last name.
Mistake #2, including your street address. Including your street address on a resume actually opens you up to identity theft. Instead of using your street address provide a customized LinkedIn URL.
Mistake #3, including a profile photo or a headshot on your resume. Your resume is not the place for your profile picture. Including one actually opens you up for discrimination based on your age and your gender. If the hiring manager or employer wants to know what you look like, they can go to your LinkedIn profile to see a picture but just don't include one on your resume.
Mistake #4, including an objective statement. An objective statement on a resume is old and outdated. If you have one you need to remove it and replace it with something like a professional profile or some type of branding statement that tells a company what you can do for them.
Mistake #5, a hobbies section. Hiring managers and employers normally don't want to know about your hobbies at this phase in the interview process. You can save this for later in maybe a second or a third interview. Leave your hobbies off your resume.
Mistake #6, listing job descriptions. Listing job descriptions on a resume only inform a hiring manager of your daily tasks. It doesn't demonstrate the impact you made or the results you achieved in your previous positions. Rather than listing job descriptions use action verbs and statements that quantify your accomplishments.
Mistake #7, including references. This is one of the biggest mistakes I see all the time. Your resume is a very valuable real estate. You want to reserve your list of references for a separate sheet of paper that you can give to the hiring manager or employer if they ask for that.
Mistake #8, poor spelling, and grammar. A resume with misspelled words or bad grammar will go right in the trash. Ask as many qualified people that you know to proofread your resume. They might catch something that you didn't see.
Mistake # 9, a resume that is too long or too short. So, here's a good rule of thumb when it comes to the length of your resume. If you have less than 5 years of experience keep your resume to one page. If you have more than 5 years of work experience it's okay to go to a two-page resume.
Mistake #10, a resume that is too generic. Hiring managers and recruiters sometime sit through hundreds of resumes a day. Make sure every resume you submit is tailored to a specific job. An easy way to do this is to place keywords throughout your resume. This will make sure your resume pasts applicant tracking software and it will catch the eye of a hiring manager or recruiter a lot quicker.
What resume writing mistake have you seen recently that we should add to the list?