Top 10 Reasons You Should Purchase Books Before Their Publication Date

Top 10 Reasons You Should Purchase Books Before Their Publication Date

I get it. There doesn't seem to be a good reason to buy a book months before it will be available to read. It's "just" a book. It will be there later. There's no rush to act now...

Or is there?

I'm a prolific reader and an author. I habitually (obsessively?) monitor what's coming next in business books. I order often, and I order early. Here are my top 10 reasons for doing so:

#1 - I like to save money.

Amazon and Barnes & Noble give deep discounts on books that are selling well before their publication date. For example, Stop Selling & Start Leading carries a hardback cover price of $25. But you can pre-order it now for $17. No telling how long those discounts will last -- booksellers are sort of secretive about their pricing strategies. BUT.. for early orders, Amazon promises you will get the lowest price even if the price is reduced more. I like having that assurance and am willing to

Pre-ordering books often includes other kinds of savings, too. If you order in bulk for an organization, association or work team, publishers and authors will usually work with you more before the book comes out than after. In addition to price discounts, look for extended learning packages like speaking engagements, training, tools, etc. The value is often far greater than the cost of the books!

#2 - I like to stay ahead of the curve

When everyone is talking about something that's around the bend, I race ahead to get there first. Competitive advantages come with being "in the know" and "first to grow."

Research, ideas and new methodologies have an expiration date. The world is changing rapidly, and we have to keep up. There are fewer benefits to being second than first. Fewer still to being way behind everyone else. The early bird does get the worm.

#3 - I vote with my wallet

Consumer power comes from purchasing products you believe in. You can't lament the loss of a great little store if you seldom supported it because you usually shop at the big department stores. The same is true with books. If there is an author you follow and want to see more from, purchasing his or her books is the only way to ensure that will happen.

Buying books in advance rewards the author far more than buying them later. That's because advance sales determine print runs and marketing budgets and much more. Early support boosts sales and gets that author back to writing more and sooner.

#4 - I believe in being a patron of the arts

I buy season tickets to the theatre even when I'm not excited about every show on the schedule. Similarly, some buy season tickets to their hometown teams even when they're not winning. Why? Because we want to keep our teams and passions going, and we know our support is meaningful.

Patron means "protector" or "supporter." Authors are not protected or supported in the same ways that the ballet, the rising star artist or a sports team typically would be. That's a shame. Paltry advances from publishers don't pay the bills. Neither do royalties (that come only after a book is published). Authors spend months researching, writing, editing, designing, and seeking support for their works.

You can be a patron and vote with your wallet. When you buy books before they are published, you help your favorite authors generate more sales. It takes just as much effort to write a book with average sales as it does to write a bestseller. Your early patronage helps great books to become bestsellers. Which means your favorite authors will be able to produce more great content for you in the future.

#5 - I understand the influence I have on what happens next

Strong advance copy sales open up all sorts of opportunities for authors.

Think of it like this: When a blockbuster movie is coming soon, you buy advance tickets. Maybe you already have yours for The Last Jedi even though it's not coming out for two weeks. The buzz and number of advance tickets purchased will determine how many theater screens this movie will open to. Advance ticket sales help determine whether or not there will be sequels and longer runs and foreign distribution...

It's the same with books. If you want eBooks, audio versions, sequels, book signing events, speaker presentations, and more, then you get to influence that by purchasing your copy in advance.

#6 - I know authors pay out of their own pocket for marketing

This is a sad state. It wasn't always this way. Publishers today don't do a whole lot to market books. It's up to the author.

Authors sacrifice time to write books (taking away from other income-earning potential). Then they pay to get their books in book fairs or on awards lists or in premium places like airport kiosks. Some authors buy hundreds of their own book to satisfy publisher demands or to artificially pump up sales volume.

They do this because they are driven to share what they've written with the world. Their passion drives them to drive book sales. I admire their dedication and determination. I'm interested in reading anything that people I follow have poured themselves into so fully.

#7 - I worry about what we're missing

Considering the hardships associated with getting a book written, published, marketing, distributed and sold, I suspect there are many important works that will never be completed.

It can be incredibly daunting, even discouraging, to become an author. I've spoken to many authors who wrote top-notch books but never will again. It's too hard. They simply cannot do it. That's a loss for all of us.

But we can all work together to support what's good and ensure we don't miss out. Our part is as simple as buying books, the earlier the better.

#8 - I believe that books make great gifts

For all the reasons listed above, I often buy more than one copy just as soon as pre-release sales begin. People like to receive books that are "hot off the press" and will put them ahead of the curve.

Sometimes, I pre-order books in bulk directly from the author or publisher. That's because there are some pretty lucrative offers out there when you buy 10 or 20 books. Starting a reading club in an office or group benefits the whole team. And it benefits me, too, when I get an extended learning package or other goodies as a token of appreciation from the author.

#9 - I love to get surprises in the mail

Ordering a book in advance means you won't receive it for weeks or even months. When it arrives, it will surprise you. You'll get that thrill of wondering what it is, discovering it all over again, and then diving in to it.

I enjoy wine club shipments, StitchFix deliveries and pre-ordered books. When my packages arrive, they put a smile on my face. Every once in a while, I get all three types of packages on the same day. That is a glorious moment, and a very good evening for me.

#10 - I'm a lifetime learner and books make me a better person

I owe so much of my success to what I've learned in books. The knowledge is out there, just waiting to be consumed. I devour books because I have an insatiable appetite for knowledge. I don't want to be left out, I don't want to miss out, and I don't want to be the last to find out what's new and what's happening.

You say you don't like to read? You can still benefit by scanning books, getting audio versions, or joining book discussion groups.

You don't have time to read? Well, for two consecutive years I read one business book every day of the year. And that's while running a highly successful business, parenting a teen, writing books, and more. Start with just 10 minutes a day. Reading will improve your competence and confidence in business.

Buying books in advance keeps me excited about reading. Each new book that comes is a treasure to be discovered and a challenge to be won.

Here's a sure bet for Sales Professionals and Entrepreneurs that Want to Take Action

Yes, my new book is available for pre-sale. I wrote it with leadership legends Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner. It's been in the works for years as we conducted extensive research with buyers and sellers alike.

I wouldn't ask you to roll the dice and buy this book unless it was very important. To you, not just to me as an author. What makes this book so important is that it gives you a behavioral blueprint for selling the way buyers want you to act... the way they will respond to by taking your calls and buying from you.

Don't take my word for it. Check out what a few of our colleagues have said about this book, Stop Selling & Start Leading:

"This terrific book focuses on leadership qualities and a values-based approach that will delight your customers and enliven your sense of purpose.” - Daniel H. Pink, author of TO SELL IS HUMAN and WHEN
"Backed by detailed research, Stop Selling & Start Leading shows the right way to win business: cultivating long-term client relationships built on authority, mutual respect, and trust. This essential playbook will transform your approach to sales."  - Dorie Clark, author of Entrepreneurial You and Stand Out, and adjunct professor, Duke University's Fuqua School of Business 
 Stop Selling & Start Leading is critical reading for those who want to sell effectively in the future and a book that was desperately needed. If you aspire to be a peer and a trusted advisor, there is simply no better blueprint available to you. Read this with a great sense of urgency.” -          Anthony Iannarino, Bestselling author of The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need and The Lost Art of Closing: Winning the 10 Commitments That Drive Sales

I'd like to ask for your support. Please buy Stop Selling & Start Leading now, even though it won't ship to you until March 5. Buy copies for yourself, for all the sales professionals and entrepreneurs you'll be giving gifts to this month, and for your clients and sales teams, too. It's much more than just another sales book -- this one will truly make a difference in the lives of people who read it.

If you're interested in our incredibly generous extended learning packages, don't wait to get on these offers. First come, first serve!

Thank you in advance for your support. But can I ask just one more thing? Please don't stop here. When you learn that someone you follow is releasing a book, make advance purchasing a regular habit. Buy the book in advance -- not just for the author, but because it also benefits you and others who can learn from authors who are liberated to keep producing quality content for us.

Deb Calvert is the co-author of Stop Selling & Start Leading and the author of DISCOVER QuestionsGet You Connected (named by HubSpot as one of "The Top 20 Most Highly-Rated Sales Books of All Time." Deb is one of the "65 Most Influential Women in Business" and a top sales influencer. She is the founder of The Sales Experts Channel and of People First Productivity Solutions. 

??Janet Efere Sales Expert

Global Sales Training Manager

6 年

Some very good points here. Thank you for the article

Barry Hall ??????????

Member Services Assistant Costco Leeds ????

6 年

Hi Deb, great insights into the behind the scenes look at the book world. Many thanks Barry Hall ??????????

Michael Hall, MBA/MS

Channel Sales Director ,West of MS River

6 年

I, too, enjoy good biz books (almost threw a bad one in the pool this summer...I did not and thankfully the last 100 pages were interesting, unlike first 50...) so when my gf arrives I'm going to order 2 of ur books....the one about questions and the advanced version of selling/leading! All b/c of this article (which I did not even finish reading)


