Top 10 Questions Foreigners Ask About Buying Mexican Real Estate
Mexico is known for its beautiful beaches, stunning nature, and as a top vacation destination.
A majority of development is funded by foreign investors. Many foreigners do not know how this process works, and that is why we will be discussing the top 10 questions.
The first and most common question is:
Yes, is it safe to do so if done properly, and there are a few simple steps to follow. Just like with buying real estate anywhere, title searches and the proper documents are a vital step.
2. Is the Mexican Government able to seize my property?
No, given you follow the correct and necessary steps, and use a real estate attorney to search the title.
3. Will the property have title?
Yes, it will have title. An attorney can guarantee you title on your investment with a legal purchase.
4. What is the function of a Notario Publico?
It is an attorney who is government appointed and is responsible for registering the real estate deeds with the Public Registry Office.
5. Why is a real estate attorney necessary?
It is the only way to guarantee receiving the title on the property. You must get your property registered to get title.
6. Is it possible to buy beachfront property in Mexico?
Yes! And we are doing so. Properties within 50 kilometers of any coast, or 100 kilometers of the border are is the 'restricted zone' and one way to buy in this zone is through the use of a fideicomiso (FEE-day-coh-MEE-soh).
7. What is a Fideicomiso?
A Fideicomiso holds a property in a bank trust with the beneficiary being you. It is a secure way in which to own property, with the same rights as under a free title real estate ownership.
8. How can I buy in a restricted zone without a Fideicomiso?
You may set up a Mexican Corporation as a foreigner and buy through the corporation. As well as through becoming a Mexican Citizen. These processes may be lengthier.
9. Is a Fideicomiso just a lease?
No, the trust is renewable at any time, while held in 50-year increments. It is not a part of the bank's assets.
10. What are the fees with a Fideicomiso?
There is a setup fee and a annual trust fee, varying depending on the bank and the location.
Learn why investing in Mexico makes sense, and how to do so safely and with maximum return. Click here to schedule a call.
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