Top 10 Questions to ask Yourself?

Top 10 Questions to ask Yourself?

I should have done better! Sound familiar? We are all human and we are impacted by errors, mistakes, or failures, however it’s the reaction afterwards and how we handle it that’s the key to success! Just take a moment and reflect on the last thing that happened to you where you didn’t feel great and see what comes to mind……………………………….?

When things happen, there are two choices, an opportunity to beat yourself up, or, to ask a question and LEARN! Better questions lead to better outcomes and leaders are learners! Every person including yourself has amazing potential and an opportunity to move to new levels of success as a leader by adjusting your approach through better questions.

 “Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” ― Voltaire

Opportunities to Learn from Challenges

In my blog, “These 5 Questions will truly help your personal growth,” I highlighted that self-reflection is key to personal growth. You won’t ever improve or reach your goals if you don’t look at yourself and your actions in depth. You may not know what to ask yourself, so I’ve put together 5 questions for you to answer. If you’re honest in your answers, you’ll learn a lot about yourself and what makes you who you are. Here they are:

  • What faults, flaws and issues do you have, and what can you do to resolve them?
  • What is there to love about yourself and your life?
  • What are you working to achieve, and why?
  • What is stopping you from accomplishing your goals?
  • What can you do to make a positive impact on the world?

I hope you were honest in your answers to these questions, and I encourage you to regularly practice self-reflection if you aren’t already! Personal development enriches your life personally, and professionally too. This link is to a simple yet effective self-reflection exercise I posted last year: Focus on What Makes You Rock. And if you’re in need of some motivation, check out the blog of My Top 50 Quotes for Inspiration and Motivation. If you want to share any of your answers with me, I’d love to hear from you!

Questions on Australian Leaders and Management

The SAL Report “Do Australian Leaders Have what it takes” shows that Australian organisations should be concerned about the state of leadership and management capability. Effective leadership requires the mastery of management fundamentals, including performance monitoring, target setting, and use of incentives. As defined in Chapter 6, “Australian leaders, on the whole, have not mastered the fundamentals of management, though there is some variation in management practices by industry, workplace size, organisational legal status, and workplace age.”

10 Questions for choosing a better Leader

In a Forbes article by Kathy Caprino, “10 Questions to Help you know if your Leader or Manager Is Someone You Should Be supporting,” it is shown thatbetter questions give us better leaders. These questions will help you cut through the noise and clutter, clarify where you really stand, and help you make the correct choice for who you are, focusing on the issues you care about, and the outcomes that matter most to you in your life and work. And these questions will help you not only choose the leader you want to follow, but also determine the way you want to show up in the world. As a start, below are 10 questions that will help you identify if a particular leader or manager is truly someone you should be supporting and working for: 

  • Does this leader or manager behave, communicate and operate in a way that I respect, admire and want to emulate?
  • Does this leader share my core values and inspire me to be the best, highest version of myself possible, or do I find that their actions and suggestions make me behave and speak like a “lower,” more insecure version of myself?
  • Does this leader know how to build beneficial, supportive relationships with others that help create sustainable growth and achieve critical ally ship that is so necessary for my organization or entity to thrive?
  • Does this leader believe in the innate equality, deservedness and worth of all people he/she leads, and do they support that core value in their words, actions and deeds?
  • Can this leader take critique and challenge well, and take responsibility and accountability for his/her actions, instead of blaming others? Do they show remorse when they go wrong, and apologize when an apology or change of course and attitude is called for?
  • Can this leader respect and like people who don’t agree with their actions and opinions?
  • Does this leader show maturity, emotional intelligence and regulation, temperance, patience, empathy, balance, and other key attributes that make a great leader
  • In reviewing the communications from this leader over the past six months, including social media messages, public and private statements, emails and memos, and other written and verbal forms of communications, do the communications show more positivity than negativity?
  • When this leader takes action, does the action support the growth, safety and success of the vast majority of people under him/her, or just those groups he/she is personally attached or connected to and only those who support him/her?
  • Finally, are you able to say “I love how this leader behaves and communicates because he/she builds bridges across major divides and differences, and reduces the potential harm, conflict, anger and a lack of acceptance among the people he/she leads?” 

Opportunities for Change for YOU!

Now that you have better answers, I am here to support you for your next level of success through three opportunities to build your leadership skills:

1, Join my Course to your Inner Courage - and it's FREE! I am beyond excited and privileged to have you working with me on my First Comes Courage Read-Along Course. Book your spot, grab the book and make this year a year of Courage! Join alone or as a team! Starts 22nd February 2021 and you enrol and start anytime...

Coaching helps leaders go from good to exceptional.

Book a FREE discovery session 

2. LeadershipHQ's Online Self-Paced Program ONLY $295 (RRP $1495)

Only $295 with a 14 Day Money Back Guarantee! Join 1000's of people across the Globe who have transformed their confidence and leadership.

And, remember, Leadership starts from within, so grab my latest book FIRST COMES COURAGE!

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Get in touch today to learn more about building leadership skills and set yourself up for success!

Stay Kind. Stay Courageous.

Sonia x

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Linda Abdulovska

???? Language coach ?? Sales assistant

3 年

Love this article and quote by Voltaire ?!

Ann M.

A Human Relationship (HR) Champion committed to promoting the paradigm shift that employees are seeking roles and an employer whose purpose and vision align with their own.

3 年

Excellent message! An accompanying resource is a book titled “When Smart People Fail”.


