Top 10 Python Web Development Frameworks

Top 10 Python Web Development Frameworks

The website is a representation of an idea, and an asset to a company. And building it requires a framework that matches its size and complexities. It is important to know each and every framework and its set of advantages it brings along.

Also, choosing the right fit for your project could be a tough task. But what if a single programming language that is versatile, high-level, tops the chart of popularity and most importantly has numerous frameworks that can prove to be a support for web-app development.

Today we are going to discuss Python frameworks and its role in constructing websites. But before that, let’s understand Python programming language and its demand.

In 2020, it has topped the charts in terms of popularity. GitHub, a software hosting platform, has conducted research that shows around 29% of search tutorials are held by Python.

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Python is growing at an exponential rate and that proves the worth of investing in it. It has beautiful frameworks that provide structure to the ideas of startups, businesses, and brands. Be it a simple and small or giant and complex, this programming language is ready to cater to all the requirements.

Also, Python is one of the programming languages that take charge of building everything; right from web-apps to cognitive technological apps and business apps to software development.

Below are the types of Apps that can be built with Python Programming Language –

  • Cognitive Apps
  • Command-Line Apps
  • Gaming Apps
  • Audio & Video Apps
  • System Admin Apps
  • Business Apps

And to build these apps and websites, it requires frameworks that easily code and allow the developers to focus on the logic of the project by streamlining the unnecessary part of development.

Numerous frameworks are categorized into three different types that sort them out as per the requirement. The acknowledgment of different types helps in selecting the appropriate framework for building web applications.

Top Python Frameworks For Web Development


Django is an open-source, high-level, full-stack Python framework that deals with developing simple to complex web-apps. Just like Python, it is versatile, scalable, and flexible. Also, it agilely builds software that is another added advantage of it.

Moreover, the framework adopts a pragmatic approach and follows the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) theory. It is not only limited to theory but has also widened its scope to follow model-view-template architectural patterns.

Apart from this, it is heavily loaded with tons of built-in libraries and can also cope up with third-party libraries. Many big sharks have invested in Django after looking at its outstanding features:

Features Of Django

  • URL Routing
  • Object Relational Mapper
  • Template Engine
  • Database Scheme MigrationLess coding or No Coding (Import packages)
  • Convention over configuration paradigm approach
  • Batteries Included
  • MVP for app development possible
  • Supports for warding off security issues like cross-site request fake, clickjacking, SQL imbuement, and cross-site scripting
  • Authentication Mechanism

Many big brands put their trust in Django and the reason for trusting is its constant support to robust databases such as MYSQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and SQLite.

Also, what makes Django stars of every developer’s eye is its component reusability, less coding, unmatchable efficiency, and vast community support.


Flask is a Python framework that focuses on building robust web-apps.

The Flask framework has a built-in server and debugger and that runs the application and can process multiple users’ requests at a time.

Also, being a micro-framework, it lacks database support but the developers have already made arrangements for it. The framework has an SQLAlchemy package that connects the apps to the SQL database with the help of the database URL.

Talking about the support for the flask app’s production, it is dependent on the WSGI toolkit and Jinja2 template.

Features Of Flask

  • Built-in debugger and server
  • Unit Testing possible
  • Unicode based
  • RESTful request dispatching
  • Plugin support for ORM
  • Linked with SQL package
  • WSGI compliant

Flask gives a tough competition to Django and that is what stands it apart from others. This may be one of the reasons for many big brands like – Airbnb, Netflix, Lyft, Reddit are putting their stake in leveraging Flask.


In a simple language, Web2py is an ocean of technologies. It has everything that one wishes to have while developing projects. It is a full-stack, free-to-use, and scalable Python framework.

It can swift deploy the website with one click with in-built IDE support and can edit and debug the apps whenever required. Not only IDE, but it can also build hybrid apps and can maintain it without external support.

Apart from building and maintaining, it can robustly perform testing as well. And the built-in ticketing system, that is something incredible, it detects and shows errors that are occurred while developing the app.

Furthermore, it stands first in providing security to the applications from vulnerable attacks as well. And not only security but it also encompasses algorithms such as MD5 or HMAC + SHA-512 hash that protects the stored sensitive credentials.

Features Of Web2py

  • Bolstering Backend
  • Follows MVC architectural pattern
  • No installation or configuration required
  • Cookies, sessions and HTTP response handling support
  • Provides Security to the projects


CherryPy is a micro-framework, open-source, object-oriented Python framework that follows a minimalistic approach. Upon the approach, it comes with an HTTP/1.1-compliant WSGI multi-threaded web server. The applications that are built using the CherryPy framework are standalone Python apps and does not require an Apache server to run the apps. It means it can run on all Python OSes such as Windows, Linux, macOS, etc.

Furthermore, as CherryPy owns a multi-thread server, it gives tech experts liberty to run multiple servers at a single point of time. And it comes with tools for caching, encoding, authorizing.

Features Of CherryPy

  • Quick Development Time
  • Minimalistic
  • Data Access
  • Handling of sessions
  • Templating
  • Caching cookies


Unlike other web frameworks, TurboGears is an excellent, data-driven, open-source Python framework that rapidly constructs applications. This framework stands apart in leveraging components such as WebOb, SQLAlchemy, Repoze, and Genshi.

These components help in rapidly building apps that need database connectivity. Also, the framework is compiled with templating that bolsters object-relational mapping (ORM). it turns out to be one of the leading, a flexible and extensive web framework that flawlessly launches the web applications.

Features Of TurboGears

  • MVC Architectural Pattern
  • Extensive Database Support
  • Command Line Tool is Available
  • FormEncode Support
  • Bolster Web Server like Pylons
  • Simplify Process of client-view and server deployment with the help of ToscaWidgets


Bottle is a small-scale web app framework that is only dependent on Python libraries. Initially, it aimed to build only Web APIs but gradually, it has stepped into rapidly developing micro applications.

Also, what sets Bottle application apart from others is it works on a single source document. Another feature of Bottle is it ensures the swift working of developers with hardware.

It is embedded with shining functionalities such as templating, directing, utilities, and fewer fundamental abstractions over the WSGI standard.

Features Of Bottle

  • Dynamic URL routes to map leveraging the understandable syntax
  • Agile built-in template
  • Easy Access to data, files, cookies and other HTTP-related metadata
  • Speedily tests and deliver high-end performance


A fully-stack and potential web app framework that can be utilized for developing easy simple as well as complex software. Pyramid turns out to be one of the most favorite web frameworks for the developers.

Its versatility has gained a lot of attention and that has sprouted up the demand for this Python web framework.

Also, the transparency and quality building of web applications is another benefit that contributes to the popularity of the framework.

Many big sharks such as Mozilla, Dropbox, SurveyMonkey are set examples of Pyramid Python web framework.

Features Of Pyramid

  • URL Generator
  • Builds small and large apps
  • Function Decorator
  • Flexible Authorization & Authentication
  • Supports Testing & Data Documentation


It is an asynchronous web app framework that is open-source and agilely handles numerous operations. It is built on top of uvloop and got the name from its one of the key features, i.e., processing HTTP responses via async request handling.

Also, it offers hassle-free capabilities and faster speed and this compatibility comes by comparing it with Python 3.5 await/async functions.

Features Of Sanic

  • Allows access and error logs
  • Bolsters Decorator and availability of handlers
  • Ample Plugin support
  • Modification of configuration object either by dot-notation or like a dictionary


Tornado is a classic example of an all-round solution for developing bigger and complex structures, and that too within a short period of time. It has got everything that is necessary for building a website such as Database support, HTML Templates, URL Handling, and many more things.

Also, it focuses on non-blocking operations and can handle numerous open connections. It is capable of handling 10K connections at a single point of time. It is an ideal asynchronous solution for heavy performance-based apps with ample users.

Features Of Tornado

  • Web Templating Availability
  • Third-Party Authentication and Authorization
  • Non-blocking HTTP client
  • High-end performance provider
  • Localization & Interpretation Support


Falcon is another micro-framework that swiftly builds web APIs. Also, it can build HTTP APIs without loading of dependencies in a huge quantity. Another advantage of Falcon is a cleaner design, which bolsters HTTP and REST architecture.

Unlike contemporaries, Falcon has turned out to be an effective framework that processes ample requests leveraging the same hardware. It aims for maximum code coverage and is a perfect match for a medium as well as large applications. And that turns out to be the first choice for big sharks.

Features Of Falcon

  • Dieter Ram Of Web Apps
  • Middleware component leveraged for request processing
  • Request and response classes for header and body access
  • Cython Supports For Additional Speed
  • Unicode support
  • WSGI For Unit Testing
  • Well Works with async libraries

To Conclude

There are numerous Python Frameworks to choose from, and the list is never-ending. These are the top 10 frameworks with their outstanding features that drive the construction of web apps. And these are categorized into three different types that one should be well aware of.

Choosing from the list of Python frameworks can be a difficult task but it entirely depends on the requirement and within how much time you want to build your project.

Hire Python developers or choose from among the leading python development companies to get the most of your projects.

Every framework has its own merits and demerits, uniqueness, personality, and various factors. So take your time, do your research, make comparisons, educate yourself, and then decide.


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