Top 10 Productive Activities For Children To Reduce The Screen Time.
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Is your child often seen with his mobile phone and tablets? If this is your concern, then this article is for you.
Nowadays, parents are worried that their children spend most of their time on mobiles, laptops, and tablets. We cannot blame technology as it is moving at a rapid speed and has its own advantages but the excess to everything is lethal.
If we look at the current scenario and you are a parent then you might have experienced that the majority of toddlers don't eat food if their favourite video is not played on mobile phones.
If we talk about pre-teens and teenagers, then most of their time is spent on technological gadgets because of their academic routines.
Unknowingly, children are stuck in a technological loop and bound to spend their time with virtual screens.
If this is your concern, then this post will share some tips and tricks through which children can reduce their screen time and engage themselves in productive activities. As per reports and statistics, spending time in front of mobile screens has made children lethargic and dull which in turn has reduced their productivity.
Let's find some of the ways by which parents can help children in reducing their screen time.
1. Reducing screen limit:
Nowadays advanced technology can be used in your favour to help your children from spending their time in front of the screens. There are many applications available that can help in tracking your children's screen time. Try to explain to them that from now on, this will be your duration to use your mobile phones and assign a time as to when they can access their gadgets. Reduce their screen time for their own good.
2. Have a pep talk with them:
For children, listening is the best therapy. Take out time from your busy schedule and try to have a one-on-one conversation with them. Ask them about their academic life, where their passion lies, and know about their interests and fellow peers. Take out time to talk and listen to them. It will give an insight into their personal lives and will reduce their screen time. Be easy at first and try to step into their shoes to understand their point of view.
3. Ask them to read books:
There is an old adage that says 'Books can be your best friends.' Try to implement boom reading sessions in their lives. Yes, some children are different and not everyone loves to read, but try to pick some books that instil optimism and the power of self-belief that helps them to become better human beings.
4. Do plantation and gardening:
This activity has two main advantages. First, it is one of the best ways to take care of your environment and contribute to making it green. Second, it helps the children to engage In something productive and useful. Take out time and guide them about different plants and do plantations in your garden. The evening can be the best suitable time for this. Make them understand the value of sowing the seeds and waiting patiently for reaping the fruits.??
5. Engage in outdoor activities:
Ask them to play outdoor games like cricket or basketball or any other of their choice. If not anything specific, then running in the grass with their peers can also be a fun and energetic activity they can do every morning. Playing outside their houses helps in giving them time to think outside the box and become more positive. It is one of the beneficial activities that has been scientifically proven to reduce anxiety and stress among kids.
6. Doing art and craft:?
Art has the power to make a change. The use of different colours brings vibrance and instils positivity. They can learn to either draw, paint or make something creative. It will help in boosting their creativity and they will stay away from their mobile phones and tablets.
7. Doing Dance:
Dance is one of the best cardio exercises and fun activities that children can do. It helps in releasing endorphins that are responsible for happiness. It can make your children stress-free and fit. They can learn different dance forms and styles and pick their favourite.
8. Creating a gadget-free bedroom:
Some studies have suggested that having technological gadgets in the same room you sleep in is detrimental to your sleep cycle.
Try to keep your child's study room and bedroom different and create a gadget-free space for them. Ask them to stay away from their gadgets for two hours before they go to bed.
9. Engage in Yoga and Meditation:
It is one of the ancient and best practices that are beneficial for a healthy lifestyle. Ask them to do yoga and meditation even for 15 minutes. It will keep their mental health sane. Positive affirmations in the morning can also help them a lot.
10. Developing the habit of writing a gratitude journal:
The attitude of gratitude is everything you need for a successful and happy life. Ask your children to write down a list of things they are grateful for. Make them write down those points in their journal and call it a gratitude journal. It is one of the best ways to become productive and engage your children in doing something different than usual.
Try and follow these tips to get rid of excess screen time.
For better guidance, you can contact HomeGuru which provides home tuition for non-academic and academic courses.
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