Top 10 new jobs in 2023
Rasadari Abeysinghe ??
Top 50 Ranked Resume Writer ● Certified Professional Resume Writer ● Certified Professional Career Coach ● LinkedIn Branding Expert ● Data Analyst | MBA, MSc, BEng, CPRW, CPCC
The world is constantly evolving and with it, the job market. As technology advances and new industries emerge, the demand for new job roles increases. Here are 10 new jobs that are expected to be in high demand in 2023.
1.??????Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ethicist - As AI becomes more widespread, the need for individuals who can ensure it is developed and used ethically and responsibly will become increasingly important.
2.??????Renewable Energy Technician - With a growing focus on sustainability, the demand for technicians skilled in installing and maintaining renewable energy systems is expected to rise.
3.??????Virtual Reality (VR) Designer - With the increasing popularity of VR technology, there will be a growing need for individuals who can design immersive VR experiences.
4.??????Blockchain Developer - The rise of blockchain technology is creating new job opportunities, particularly for developers who can create decentralized applications and help organizations adopt this new technology.
5.??????Internet of Things (IoT) Security Specialist - As IoT devices become more prevalent, the need for specialists who can ensure their security will become increasingly important.
6.??????Autonomous Vehicle Technician - As self-driving cars become more common, the demand for technicians who can maintain and repair these vehicles will increase.
7.??????3D Printing Technician - The growing use of 3D printing technology is creating new job opportunities for technicians who can operate and maintain these machines.
8.??????Quantum Computing Engineer - The development of quantum computing is expected to lead to new job opportunities for engineers who can build and maintain these systems.
9.??????Augmented Reality (AR) Developer - AR technology is becoming increasingly popular, and there will be a growing demand for developers who can create AR applications and experiences.
10.??Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Specialist - As organizations look to automate repetitive tasks, there will be a growing demand for specialists who can design and implement RPA systems.
In conclusion, these 10 new jobs are just a few examples of the many new job roles that are expected to emerge in the coming years. As technology continues to evolve, it's important to stay informed about new developments and be open to new career opportunities. With the right skills and training, you can be well-positioned to take advantage of the exciting new job opportunities that the future has in store.