Top 10 mining projects in Malawi
Digging Deep
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Digging Deep travels to the Heartbeat of Africa and presents the top 10 mining projects in Malawi. 世界银行 reiterates that Malawi’s mining sector has the potential to drive the country’s economic growth despite such potential, the sector currently, plays a relatively small role, accounting for less than one percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Mining is mentioned 29 times in Malawi Vision 2063 as the country builds towards a vibrant knowledge-based economy with a strong and competitive manufacturing industry that is driven by a productive and commercially vibrant agriculture and mining sector. 40 years from now, let us zoom into mining projects which will help drive their key component of industrialization:
1. Kanyika Niobium Project
The Kanyika Niobium Project is positioned to be the first-ever niobium mine in Africa and Globe Metals & Mining Limited is the first new producer in 50 years. Globe has completed more than 33,000 meters of drilling at Kanyika, has a substantial resource base, and completed engineering studies for plant, property, and equipment. Upon completion of a development agreement with the Government of Malawi, the Company will be granted a mining license that will facilitate the commencement of sales agreements and financing.
2. Songwe Hill Rare Earth Project
Songwe Hill, a carbonatite-hosted rare earth deposit, is the main development target in retention license RTL 0001/21, one of a block of eleven retention licenses which Mkango Resources Ltd. refers to as the 'Phalombe Licences'. Historical exploration programs were carried out at Songwe Hill in the late 1980s. After three phases of exploration drilling in 2011, 2012, and 2018, Mkango completed a NI43-101 compliant technical report and upgraded the Mineral Resource estimate for the Songwe Hill Project in January 2019, and the Definitive Feasibility Study was completed in July 2022.
3. Salambidwe Rare Earths-Niobium Project
The Salambidwe Project is also located within the Chilwa Alkaline Province of southern Malawi, straddling the Mozambique border. DY6 Metals Ltd confirms alkaline rock suites are known hosts to a variety of different economic commodities including copper, iron, titanium, niobium, thorium, uranium, REEs, barium, fluorine, phosphorous, and other rare or incompatible elements.
4. Thambani Uranium-Tantalum-Mobium-Zircon Project
Mkango Resources Ltd. is currently evaluating strategic options for Thambani, including opportunities to joint venture or spin off the project, and other potential avenues to create value. The Thambani license is located in the Southern Region of Malawi, within the Mwanza District in the northern part of the license and the Chikwawa District in the south.
5. Chimimbe Nickel-Cobalt Project
Mkango Resources Ltd. subsidiary Lancaster Exploration Ltd was awarded the 98.48km2?exclusive prospecting license EPL 0475/17 Chimimbe Hill in Mchinji district on 10th?November 2017 to explore for nickel, cobalt, gold, and other associated minerals.?The license was renewed as exploration licence EL 0475/17R?in November 2020 with a reduced area of 47.96 km2.
6. Malawian Graphite Project
Sovereign Metals (NGX’s parent company, ASX:SVM) announced the standalone Malawian Graphite Projects which comprise the Nanzeka Project, Duwi Project, Malingunde Project and Mabuwa Project (together, the Graphite Projects) would be demerged to NGX Limited (NGX), pursuant to a Demerger Deed.
7. Kasiya Rutile-Graphite Project
In June 2022, Sovereign Metals released an Expanded Scoping Study confirming that Kasiya has the potential to be one of the world’s largest and lowest cost producers of natural rutile and natural graphite with a carbon footprint substantially lower than current alternatives while significantly contributing to the social and economic development of Malawi.
8. Kayelekera Uranium Project
The Kayelekera Uranium Project is the fourth-largest uranium asset globally by historical annual production currently in care and maintenance. Lotus Resources released a Definitive Feasibility Study in August 2022, which confirmed Kayelekera ranks as one of the lowest capital cost uranium projects globally (Initial Capital Cost – US$88m), whilst being able to quickly recommence production once a Final Investment Decision is made.
9. Machinga Uranium Project
DY6 Metals Ltd owns The Machinga Project which is contained within a large alkaline complex of the Chilwa Alkaline Province that intrudes Proterozoic basement gneisses, granulites, and amphibolites. This complex comprises nepheline-syenites of the Mongolwe, Chaone, and Chinduzi Ring complexes, the Malosa syenite pluton, and minor alkaline granites. The project area is dominated by the Malosa syenite pluton, but also contains discrete and smaller-scale intrusions and pegmatites.
10. Chambe Basin Rare Earths Project
Chambe is a large, ionic adsorption clay-hosted rare earth elements (REE) project bearing significant quantities of critical heavy and light REEs. UK-based mining exploration company, Altona Rare Earths Plc signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Akatswiri Mineral Resources to acquire a majority stake in a rare earth mining project in the Chambe Basin, Mulanje in Southern Malawi in 2021 which they later terminated in 2022 citing certain of their investment criteria were not being met by its local joint venture partner, primarily the completion of the conditions precedent as set out by the joint venture agreement.
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