Top 10 cost-effective feather flag sites
Marketing, marketing, and much more marketing. There is nothing more important for a business to flourish than through the appropriate marketing techniques. It helps increase sales, engage customers and most importantly, it keeps customers informed about their brand, products, and services.
There is no limit to the amount of money you can spend on advertising. In fact, the sky’s the limit as it all depends on the creativity vested into the type of advertisement used.
Successful marketing is not always expensive
However, it is not always possible for a business to spend lots on advertising. Besides, it is not always that the most expensive advertising option reaps the best results. Sometimes cheaper and cost-effective marketing options like feather flag give better results, at minimal investment.
Some businesses prefer opting for a versatile type of advertising, and at the same time cost-effective. There is one mode of advertisement that fits this description, which is feather flag.
What are feather flags?
Feather flags are as the name suggests, flags which are shaped like a feather. They offer a cheap and convenient means of marketing. All you need to do is buy one or a few flags, and then you can choose and use them as needed for your marketing needs.
You have the choice of using them both indoors and outdoors, and if you take care of them properly when not in use, they can easily last for at least a few years.
A onetime investment
Yes, unlike other advertisement options like the internet, newspaper, billboards, and television, feather flag are more like a onetime investment. You don’t have to pay every time you need some advertising like you would have to advertise in newspapers and the television.
Besides, you never do know if your ad reaches out to your target audience through newspapers and television. Different people watch different channels and read different newspapers, so you never do know if your ad has done what you wanted it to do, which is to reach your preferred audience.
This, however, doesn’t happen with feather flag or banners. As long as you have the right content printed on them and nothing time specific, you can use the flags for as long as you want and in many ways as required. You also know that people have actually seen it, especially if you have it outside your establishment.
Besides, the feather flag come with different bases for you to choose and use either indoors or outdoors. The flag comes with a spike for outdoor use, to poke into the grass and use as support. In case of indoor venues, there is a cross-base for support, which you can weigh down with water or sandbag for additional support.
Cost-effective feather flag sites
Despite feather flags offering a rather competitive and cheaper edge over its rival advertisement options, there is still fierce competition between different feather flag companies.
Just take a look at the internet. You will find that you have so many companies out there ready to print your flag or flags for you at competitive rates. You may be tempted to work with a cheaper and more cost effective feather flag site or company, because of the amount of money you stand to save.
However, you should remember that a cheaper option is not always the best. You need to do your research to ensure you end up with a cheap, but good feather flag company or website.
With the internet being the easiest and resourceful means of doing your research and getting work done, let’s focus on finding out how to locate the top ten cost effective feather flag sites.
What to look out for
You do not compile your list just based on the rates offered by the different sites. There are a few things you need to keep in mind. First of all, take a look at the site.
Legitimate website
Make sure it looks like a legitimate website, and not a scam. There are many illegal sites online, so beware of them. They tend to offer low rates in the hope of roping in clients, only to later take their money but either don’t supply flags or supply poor-quality ones. There is nothing more disappointing than to pay for a poor quality flag which does not help market your business for you at all.
Go through customer reviews or testimonials
You can tell more about the website by taking a look at a few customer testimonials. Instead of just reading and depending on the testimonials you find on their site, it is better to spend some time checking forums on feather flag companies.
You get a better idea of the company’s competency at feather flags through them. Many sites are however known to pay people to write good and positive, but false testimonials to post onto the site. You have to identify and stay away from them.
Remember, if the site has too many positive reviews, or if you feel that the rates or reviews seem to be too good to be true, it is better to trust your gut instinct and avoid dealing with the site.
Pay the websites a visit
Once you know that the site seems to be legitimate, take a good look at the website itself. Look at the types of feather banners they offer to make sure they have flags you are looking for. They usually have different shaped and sized flags where you get to choose the right ones for yourself.
Look for sites that let you customize your feather flags. Most of the feather flag websites offer standard flag designs and templates for you to choose and use as you like.
However, this does not mean that you should use only standard flags. It is not always that you need a standard flag or template for your company feather flag.
Sometimes you may need to customize the design based on your own ideas or with some assistance. There are some sites like that can help you here.
They have their in-house designers who will help design your feather flag for you. They don’t even charge for this service, so there is no worry about prices here.
It is better to deal with sites which have a few different sized feather flags for you to choose from. You need to decide on the right height flag based on where you intend to use it.
The taller flags are a better buy if you want your flag to be seen from a distance like at outdoor venues like the stadium. The shorter flags are a better option if you plan to use the banner outside your establishment to perhaps to announce the opening of your business or the day’s special or just to advertise about your business.
Single or double-sided banners
If you find the feather banners that you desire on the site, then you next need to take a look at whether they are double sided or single sided. The double-sided flags obviously have prints on both sides, with a blocker layer in between them.
There is a purpose for this layer, which is to prevent light or the design from the other side bleeding and spoiling the design. This is an added benefit to choosing a double sided banner for your advertisement. Though it may cost a bit more, you not only have double the space to print your content, whatever is printed is clearly visible from both sides.
This is unlike the cheaper single sided flags where depending on the printer and printing process used, there is a chance of colors bleeding through. Besides, while the content on both sides of double-sided flags can be seen and read from afar, the content printed on single sided flags is seen in the reverse from behind.
Shipping policies and packages
Go through the website to find out more about their shipping policies and any packages they offer. Most of them offer free shipping, which is a bonus with their low rates. There are also many sites that give a discount for bulk orders.
This means that instead of just printing a single feather flag, it is worth printing a few flags in different sizes, or same sizes. You can then use the banners at multiple venues like outside your establishment and at venues like golf courses, stadiums, and trade shows. You could also perhaps consider ordering in bulk and using your feather flags as directional flags at any venue, to direct visitors to your stall.
The time needed to print banners
It goes without saying that it is better to deal with a site that prints and delivers your flag within a day or two. This way you are assured you will get the flag as soon as possible in time for the event or the opening of your establishment.
Additional accessories
It is also worth visiting and checking a few sites to find out what optional accessories they provide with your feather flag. Most of them offer a customized carry bag to use for storing your feather flags after dismantling. You can then conveniently use the bag to either carry the flag to the new destination or store it till you next need it.
Easy navigation and use
It is also better to deal with a feather flag website that is easy to navigate and understand. This way you will feel more comfortable choosing and printing your desired banner.
This is the penultimate factor that may help finalize your choice of feather banner printer. Make a list of the rates quoted by the different sites. Also list out the various packages and discounts they offer for buying in bulk and free shipping.
It is left to you to compare and analyze the data that you have compiled, and accordingly decide on the best feather flag site to do business with. Though you may have to spend some time to do all this, it is well worth it. You end up with a list of cost effective feather flag sites you can approach for your marketing needs.
List of top 10 cost-effective feather flag websites
Now that you know what to look out for while looking for cost-effective feather flag sites, here is a list of the top 10 sites on the internet today. Of course, there may be more sites out there, but these are sites that have a reasonably good collection of feather flag, and they are all affordably priced to meet your budget.
While all these are legitimate and come with reasonably priced and range of banners, one company that stands out of the rest is If you ask why it is because of the additional offers they have besides their affordable rates. offers not just free shipping of flags, but also has an in-house designer who will help design your banner for you, free of cost. This is a company that is famous for manufacturing the best quality feather flags at the lowest prices. They boast of a long list of satisfied customers, which is enough proof of their commitment, price and customer support.
So you see, you don’t have to spend a fortune on marketing. Thanks to feather flag sites, you now have a wide variety of affordably priced feather flags to choose and use to advertise about your establishment.