Top 10 API articles this week from the #APIScene (12/08-17/08)

Hi API folks,

Welcome to this week in the #APIScene, the top 10 technical and business articles on APIs each week.

This week, we will begin by a societal article about Jobs Inside the APIs. You thought Jobs were above the API, or below the APIs or replaced by APIs. No, they are inside!

On the business of APIs, learn more about PSD2 and its impact on Banks forcing them to open APIs and finish this section with 4 mistakes that can crush your API Strategy.

About API Documentation, a first article explains the concept of API Hospitality, a new way to welcome developers with documentation. The second one is about writing API documentation for non-technical writers and the last one is a warning that your API is hard to document and what this means.

The last four pieces are on API Architecture and Microservices, with, in order, a practical guide on how to choose the right API framework for your platform, the difficulties to find a name for your microservices, and two technical articles about building a gRPC service with Ballerina and thinking your Microservice architecture as a platform.

That's all API folks ;)

Keep calm and use APIs,

Mehdi Medjaoui, founder of APIdays Conferences

Linkedin, Twitter

PS : Check our brand new website to see our upcoming APIdays Conferences in Melbourne, Amsterdam, Zurich, Berlin and Paris! If you couldn’t make it to APIdays SF, see what it looked like here.

All the links you are looking for :

Business of APIs and Society

API Documentation

API Architecture Microservices


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