Are AC/DC's "Big Balls" still a...Big Bang?

Are AC/DC's "Big Balls" still a...Big Bang?

So, why the concealment!?

The yesteryear's of today. The perfectly posh and fervently printed Social Media pages are a thing of the nostalgic past and yet,... 

people (I mean, women) are still craving expanding their social horizons, and why shouldn't they? Is it -possibly, not a sure thing that you also have imagined your party hosting prowess likened to being beyond, say...Beyonce's?? And that you've envisioned yourself among the top 10 party throwers, ultimate gala givers giving the biggest "balls" over all -ever, in town?? And, even needing to “admit it” you really need to fantasize about it historically and maybe you have actually shared a short story or two about it in order to relive your successes -and quite possibly in your psychologist’s office and even if you keep it to yourself -all the while realizing that you are paying to relive your memories and revisit your emotional state of satisfaction again and again? Revisiting your impression on the many? And who has not? Look around you, everybody is hosting: Bergerac on Dancing with the Stars, Steve Harvey on The Steve Harvey Show, Kelly Ripa Live and Jerry Springer on the…Guess what show...The Jerry Springer Show etc.

You want to expand the experience? Essentially, you want to be really good at being the one other - the “excellent circulator” displaying your seamlessness in the hosting strategy of party throwing winners? Isn’t being an “excellent party circulator” what you and every other host/hostess dreams about attaining and actually being called on a permanent basis? Well, you may be surprised to read that being so wrapped up in a cut-out persona means that you have miles to go before you ever begin the journey of discovering the liberation and freedom of your skills and hosting parties. This is how your active imagination works. Encompassing your simple “residential” appeal and the vision of satisfying your own ego comes with no rating priority beyond, say, being “superior”. You are reading your own tagline out loud and the signs are there. It is all there in your grandiose visions of a maker of memorable entertaining experiences that open up the world into a new one and time constraint vanishes.

You must remember that the entertaining market popularity limit is actually sky high -really. So, you will be surprised to learn that being an “excellent party circulator” has more diversity and unique potential than you previously thought. Actually, promoting yourself as an “excellent party circulator” is one of the TOP Ten Anecdotal Realities To Begin Your Journey By “vision”. That is, you see, you are physiologically equipped to mesmerize and yes, you do have an extraordinary ability in performing -you “travel” your surroundings, you give performances and remarkably you are seen in a series of different places. That is, you are circus performing -yes, of all things you are a circus performing genius! And, in your top form you are providing performing excellence (well beyond, say, Beyonce and multitasking) and demonstrating an exceptionally artistic in-air flare in informal social climbing and really delighting with your delicate yet robust acrobatic finesse. How else could you migrate your hearing toward a lasting word unspoken in their consummated compliment?: “What a great circulator and hostess you are!” 

“Yes,” you smile and so refined bowing your head begin echoing, “circulator.” But, oh, yes, how is it that you feel your ego-rocket shooting sky high? Take caution from this mirroring cause-effect, your exponential self because you may have stumbled upon your eternal party elixir: You may be able to embody the reward at every utterance, at any time. How could this so? If only you knew what was happening in your creativity at will. Fluency. The fluency of self affirmation. You have been encoding all along in a word and melding it with a rewarding image: It goes something like this: “So, I WILL “cir-queue-U-later!” Defying the taboo of self admiration and secretly admiring yourself. Bazinga! Or, Beyond say...

Stay tuned


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