Optimize Your Business Growth Strategy for Long-term Results with The Right Tools
PIN - Power In Numbers
We exist to blur the lines between brand and authentic human connection, uniting technology and marketing.
If you own a small business and want to grow, there are a few things you should know. ?
Although there seem to be many helpful tools for your business, as you grow, the question isn’t about whether these tools will help your short-term growth, because they most likely will. The question is, are they truly there to help you scale for the long term??
As you are launching and growing your business, you will likely reach a point where you decide Marketing is the answer for your next phase of growth. At this point, the decisions you make will either set you up for success or position you for a series of starts and stops.?
There is nothing wrong with this dilemma. Most businesses, big and small, are in the same boat. The problem lies in the availability of resources and expertise that you have at your disposal.
Say the marketing expert that you just hired is knowledgeable in Google’s tools, but not much else. The solutions and tools they use to help you will most likely work at the onset. But, there is the possibility that they are also, unintentionally, setting your business up to be dependent on a platform that may or may not be a part of your long-term success.
Many of these platforms exist to profit off your data, through the selling of ads or ad-like content.
Imagine you are two months in, and your Google expert is showing you the progress they have helped you achieve. From your perspective, as the business owner, you see this growth as being a positive thing! You are making sales, you are gaining traffic, and you are GROWING.?
What you don't see, is that you are unintentionally feeding a mass database that can, in turn, be used against you. The truth is, not only will the data and information gathered be sold to your competitors, but some platforms will even use this data to become your direct competitor.?
How can this happen? The answer is simple. It’s all based on the information you have provided about your customers, your sales patterns, and your ability to spend money in the market. The “fun” part about this is that you gave these platforms permission to do this the moment you decided to use their tools. Who reads those terms of service anyway.
How does a small business combat the fact that every time you are successful, your success can be overpowered by your competitors, who have more money and resources to spend, using the same tools you use? The tools provided by Google, Amazon, Facebook, and many others? Just stop using them? Build your own Google? No.
The answer lies in being intentional about where you spend money; what it is supposed to do; how you are protecting your client information; and how you are engaging with your customers OFF platform.
You need something that keeps your data, YOUR data. A platform that doesn’t exist because of ad dollars. One that is built around your local community, rather than built to compete against it. Something that allows small businesses to succeed, while minimizing the possibility of your hard work being used against you. We have just that at PIN.?
Keeping your data, your data. The way it should be. Are you intrigued? We are constantly building and launching new tech that you can use to grow your business.
Contact PIN Business Network here to learn more about the exciting tools and opportunities we offer that can help your business push far beyond digital marketing on big tech platforms.?