Tools That Work The Way You Work
Jonathan ?? Pritchard
Does your company exhibit at 2+ trade shows a year? What if there's a way to get 2-5x more business from your booth? Would that be worth a conversation?
“How many new customers am I going to get from this campaign?”
It’s a reasonable enough question.
Business is all about that ROI (return on investment) afterall.
But, dang is it a tough one to answer.
Not just because it’s tough to know what people are going to do. It’s also because there are a LOT of steps between setting up the campaign & someone buying what you sell.
And a lot of math.
Like. Weird math.
Conversion percentages of conversion percentages kind of stuff.
If you’ve known me longer than a day you probably know I’m a visual thinker, and that’s why using a calculator by itself to do all this is a nightmare.
Fortunately I found a plugin for Obsidian that allows me to set up all kinds of weird math like it’s a weird word problem. When I can do that, I can see all the elements & all the steps all at once.
That helps me from getting lost when I’m trying to calculate the ROI on a PPC campaign or the Profit/Loss statement of my next public mind reading show.
The point being; find tools that work the way you think and suddenly it’s a LOT easier to find the answers you’re looking for.
Best thoughts,
?? Jonathan Pritchard is a mentalist-turned-consultant & the founder of ZAVANT enterprises, Institute of Applied Mentalism, & ROI Trade Shows. Each project helps clients have more successful businesses through the power of better communication skills. He’s also the author of several books focused on the power of applied psychology, memory, and motivation. Connect with him on Twitter and YouTube for more behind-the-scenes stories from the road & boardrooms across the world.