Tools of the trade for a 9 year old Math Student
Yesterday something happened to me.
I have been working with my 9 year old on her times tables for a while now during Covid lockdown. How many of us remember the gruelling task of memorising the 2s to 12's, i do mine and it was hell.
I had been teaching her to basically memorize/cram then look-copy-see in her notebook as many times as possible; till it sticks. Problem with this is at the beginning only the most recent one actually remains in memory. So by the time she is in her 9’s she has partially forgotten her 4’s, if you know what I mean? So my tactic changed to learning a new table and simultaneously recapping an older one in the same session.
I tested her recently and she absolutely aced our recap session of 3x while preparing for her 7’s.All my hard work and energy getting and maintaining her focus finally paid off, I was so excited I immediately went to the convenience store and got her favorite Kinderjoy chocolate egg reward.
When I gave it to her, I was mouthing off words of encouragement like “ see Pumkin this is what happens when you listen to your Pappi . “
After finishing the treat she told me that she didn’t master the table by the look-copy-cover and write technique like 6 times repetition as I instructed . Instead she took my phone and opened this url.
I bookmarked it and told her to go back to work and follow my strategy, " this was how I learnt and so did her siblings, dont waste time on YouTube, its a distraction" blah blah and all the fatherly BS.
This morning I opened the link and was absolutely blown away. I implore you to please watch the clip to the end.
I must day that the tools available to our kids these days have made learning both fun, effective and funky.
Big shout out to MaCarthy Math Academy for this jewel, you are changing lifes.
Love the 7 and 9 x, makes me wish Youtube was around in my days, wishful thinking
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Multiplication Mash Up - A Fun Way to Learn Your Multiplication Facts!