Tools and Tips to Recover from Burnout
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Federal Employee Program
Do you consistently experience high levels of stress? Has exhaustion affected your mental and physical health? If you’re nodding your head yes, then you may be experiencing burnout.
Burnout can affect people in different ways. It might keep you from enjoying hobbies and time with family or it may negatively impact your work performance. It has significant risks for your health, too. Burnout causes an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and depression.
All hope is not lost! Here are a few steps you can take to get started on the road to recovery.
1. Find the source
Try to identify what is triggering your burnout. Things like a rigorous work or academic schedule, relationship problems or caring for a loved one with a serious health condition are common sources.
2. Identify immediate changes
You don’t have to do it all. When looking at the source of your burnout, try and identify a few small changes you can make right away to lighten the load.
3. Talk to your loved ones
Burnout can sometimes become so overwhelming that even addressing it feels exhausting. Try talking to a friend or family member. They can help support you and brainstorm possible solutions.
4. Look at your options
There might not be one simple solution for your burnout. Take a little time to really explore your options to see what might work for you and what might not.
5. Take back control
There might be outside factors that contribute to your burnout, but don’t despair. Focus on what you can control, like prioritizing tasks and delegating to others.
6.? Set boundaries
You don’t have to accept every commitment that comes your way. Before you agree to do a task or help someone out, take a moment to consider it. Ask yourself if you really have the time and energy and learn to be comfortable saying “no.”
7. Practice self-compassion
Remind yourself that you don’t have to be perfect or do everything all by yourself. It’s okay to need a break or to ask for help.
8. Think about your needs
Practicing good self-care can help make recharging easier while you’re looking at the bigger picture. Make time for things, like sleep, social time, exercise and alone time.
9. Remember what makes you happy
Burnout can drain you of your ability to enjoy your favorite hobbies or affect your relationships. Make a list of things that bring you joy to counteract these feelings and help you remember what you love doing.
10. Talk to someone
If you’re having trouble confronting your burnout, a therapist can offer professional guidance.
There are several ways to get care depending on your symptoms. Telehealth services, behavioral health services and your primary care doctor can all be sources of support.