Tools and Resources to being Self-Published
Everyone has a story. Everyone's life is different. I believe we're all here for some reason, and in this particular season.
Tonight, I wanted to share a step by step process, of if you're serious, the tools and the process of getting yourself a published book.
Step one, I believe this is a basic idea, and probably a no-brainer, but have either a pen, and paper, a "typewriter," which is probably outdated, your smart phone with a mobile application for a word processing system, your personal computer or a laptop with the word processing system. You then have this blank page, all for the taking, all for your ideas, that you let your fingers type into place, or jot down in the note pad. The next step you take, write.
This is the hard part, because you have to commit yourself to the writing every chance you get, for at least fifteen to twenty minutes write. It can be poor quality. Write it down anyways. It may just cheesy, or amateur. Again write it. Discipline yourself to write a prologue, or one chapter. Even if it's part of the first chapter and you haven't finished the first chapter the first day. Write, in as much time, as much as you can.
Once you compile your manuscript there is more work you need to do. Whether you want to incorporate page numbers, a header or a footer for each chapter. Word has the ability to do that and I can incorporate the YouTube video down below that you use yourself that I used for the different page numbers, it's not something that came naturally but, if I can learn anyone can. After that design a cover, I recommend public domain images, so it can be used for your book since this is your writing, and you won't be infringed on plagiarism.
After the book manuscript is done, I always go to plagiarism checker in my google search to make sure I am not using anyone else's work, or , and now most recently
From there you will need a publisher. I have at least three you as the writer can choose from. I use It says they take about three days to publish, for my books, it has taken over a week. Then there is Kindle Publishing with amazon for KDP with Amazon. Last but not least there is a publisher called Ingram Spark, and I will get back to them.
For each of these three platforms, the author creates an account, and a password, using their e-mail to login on. They then submit their cover pages, and manuscripts to the first two. Amazon and Barnes and Noble will not charge you to publish your books, it is free. With Ingram Spark you are charged $49 dollars for their services. Amazon and Barnes and Noble do charge shipping fees and you as the author get the book for the price you are selling it for, plus the shipping and tax. On the other hand Ingram Spark is supposed to sell you, your book for a cheaper price to you, and Ingram Spark is the site that will get you to sell to wholesalers.
Wholesalers? Why would that be any good? Well Ingram Spark selling your book to wholesalers actually can help you sell your books in the stores. The thing is if you sell a cookbook you can get it into grocery stores through Ingram Spark. The other thing is if you are trying to sell your book in bookstores you can get it through the wholesaler because the wholesaler sells it to the retailer, who decides where they'd be willing to sell your book.
I want to add with Amazon, Barnes, and Noble, and Ingram Spark whenever you sell a book. Your bank account needs to be attached, because this is how your royalties are paid to you. You are paid a percentage at least from Barnes and Noble and Amazon for your book, and that's a royalty, even if it's not entire sum. (point also, keep a full time job to provide for yourself, but know you still have another stream of income.)
The other thing, so that way you as the writer know this. You will need to consider copy-writing your material so that way, one you don't get sued if someone says your work is their work, even if it wasn't, and too someone trying to plagiarize your work when it isn't even theirs can try to because you don't have copyright. Now let me just make a statement for you as well, I know most of us are not rich enough to hire an attorney to do copyright, obviously you can. I went to to purchase my copyright, and I am in the process of waiting for the copyright back. I want to also inform you, that the cost of the copyright was $114, plus an additional $65, for it to be about $179.00
The next step to consider is the ISBN number. This number actually comes with Barnes and Noble press, when you publish. The other thing I want to add because I made different versions of the same book, a hardback and a paperback book will often have different ISBN numbers. I also want to let you know I was informed that you can go to, to purchase your ISBN for $125.00 dollars.
The last thing I also want to add when you go through the author process, and cannot be stressed from author's enough is. "Reviews," A review on your book actually gets it put out to the public more often. If you can sell your book to friends please ask them, not beg them, but ask them if they can review it. Also ask them to critically judge, and see what your weaknesses are, so you can improve as a writer. Having all fives seems pretty vapid, having one star, and a bunch of fives may not be too phenomenal but it can still be decent. Amazon, and Barnes and Noble have reviews for books, and it's free. Now I want to just add there is a Kirkus Reviews that will review your book, and though it is a service they will charge you 425 dollars.
In my humble opinion I at least would recommend if you're going down the path invest in that copyright it's a huge deal, out of all these. If you're tight on a budget I seriously recommend or Amazon's Kindle Publisher! It's a huge deal! If you're also up for at least the whole salers spend the 49 dollars the book, It'll be worth it in the long run.
Huge Shoutout to Julie Broad for all your wealth of information, with Ingram Spark, with, and all the resources you see above!
Huge Shoutout to David Laneave for sharing me the info about
Huge Shoutout to Pastor David Schneider for your information with KDP Amazon publishing.
Thank you all for reading.