Tools will remind you to take a break when working long on the computer

Tools will remind you to take a break when working long on the computer

Sitting in front of the screens has become essential in this age; be it TV screens, phone, or computer, where everything is digital. Moreover, some of the jobs and jobs currently rely on computers in the first place to perform tasks faster. Generally, we all know how much long stare damage in these screens, since our eyes are not created based on getting used to staring at an artificial light source for a long time. The result of long-term work on the computer may be eyestrain and direct impact on physical and mental health. In this article, we will show you the best tools that remind you to take a break from the computer screens to avoid eye strain and improve body posture and prevent injury caused by the stability of hands, arms and neck. Let us start directly.

1. Stretchly program

Program  Stretchly  is a free program open source and multi - platform, which will help you to take a short break periods or long depending on what determines. By default, the program will remind you to take a break every 10 minutes but you can change it from the Settings panel. It offers many useful features such as: skip the rest or make sure you do not skip the rest, and give tips during the break like extending your body a bit before getting back to work. In addition, you have plenty of choices for the reminder notification sound. As the user interface is customization, you can change colors, how to notify, etc. On top of all, the program is very good and will add an important task to your business if it requires sitting long in front of the computer screen.

2. Tomato Timer site

Site  Tomato Timer  is a site that relies on technology tomato! Have you read about them before? If no , see the Wikipedia article . Initially, it is an innovative way of managing time based on some procedural steps that divide long tasks into smaller pieces so you do not feel stressed or confused while you work. The timer starts with a countdown from 25 minutes. You can start work to the end of the period and then take a short break between 3 to 5 minutes and then go back to work, and then give you another 25 minutes ... So, when you continue this situation 4 periods you can take a longer break. Tomato Timer optimizes this strategy. It also allows you to control the working time and the rest period (short and long), customize the alarm sound and volume, and show you notifications on the desktop if you do not hear the alarm.

3. Breaker program

Program  Breaker  is also a free program but simpler Stretchly program where you can deal with a few button clicks. The function of the program is to reduce the health complications caused by work long times in front of the computer screen or laptop, so in case you miss taking a break during the working hours, you can experience Breaker, which gives you two devices timing: the first reminds you of the remaining time on the end of work, rest. After running the program, select the working time through the Work time boxes and then set the break time from the Break time boxes. If you want, you can select the number of periods from the Loop box. You can also create a table to set different work and break times to choose from instead of specifying the time each time you use the program.

4- The location of Outstanding

The Outstanding site  does not rely on tomato technology like its predecessor, but it also aims to help you take a break from the computer every few of the time. The front of the site is clean and contains only two lists. The first is to determine the working period of either a quarter of an hour or a half hour or an hour for only a quarter or a full hour. The second is to set the rest period from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. You can not set the time manually, but you have to choose between the times specified from the list. Once this is done, press the Start button to start the countdown ... there is no numeric indicator but a progress bar below. Overall, the site is simple and will help you rest and work for regular periods.

5. Add Micro Breaks

The addition of  Micro Breaks  is an excellent addition that works on the Google Chrome browser to remind you to take a break when working online for long periods, not only that - but it has more than a temporary help to increase your productivity. After you turn on the extension, you can activate the Breathing timer which starts counting from two hours to take two minutes to breathe quietly which helps to reduce stress and pressure. You can also activate a 20/20/20 rule that prompts you to look at anything 20 feet away (equivalent to about 6 meters) for 20 seconds and repeat the same exercise once every 20 minutes. Or Break timer to take a 6 minute break every 80 minutes. Of course you do not have to stick to this time, you can add your own timer as needed.


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