Tools + Process x Excellence = Results
Goals are for losers. Systems are for winners!
Scott Adams (Dilbert creator) is a bit more provocative in his book "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life".
Most of us in business drive out goal based, results based systems.
A very pragmatic CEO founder client of mine grew his enterprise platform software company from no institutional clients to 80+% market share and envious revenue growth in less than 20 years. His view is "too much goal focus and trying to win creates many losses and disappointment. Tools and processes and a commitment to improvement creates celebration at smaller wins and commitment to growing capability keeps sales professionals motivated. Do the right things at the right time often enough and big wins follow."
So... understand that process moves the ball. Drive forward towards the destination. Results are the rear view mirror confirmation that we arrived. Now we can celebrate!
(Tools plus process) x commitment to excellence = sustainable success.