Tools of Ignorance (or Leadership?)
Barry Kleiman
The “Anti- AI Guy” A Connection Consigliere - Connecting real life resources with opportunities since 1980
I'm far more a basketball fan than baseball (or any other sport for that matter) but I do love this time of year.
Baseball playoffs are etched in my brain...from Bill Mazeroski's unlikely Game 7 winning home run to my Phillies "coughing up" a 6 game lead with only 10 to play and so many other tales of magic and mystic October is a special time for many a sports fan.
Babe Ruth is a wee bit before my time but his legend planted seeds for so many others including my all-time favorite Yogi Berra.
It ain't over till it's over
When you come to a fork in the road, take it.
You can observe a lot by just watching.
Yogi's wisdom, charm, quotes and often overlooked abilities provide a basis for true legendary status so ...
When I learned it was on this same day October 2, way back in 1948 he hit the first-ever pinch-hit home run in the World Series (off Ralph Branca in the 7th inning of a 9-8 loss to the Brooklyn Dodgers in Game 3) I was reminded of one of the better articles I've read about leadership exhibited via sports and the person behind the plate orchestrating the game.
… what I do every day behind the plate is a lot more important because it touches so many more people.” - Thurman Munson