Tools I use to make better me!

Tools I use to make better me!

I would like to express my ways to learning, in this journey, I share here the tools I use for my knowledge management.

I am trying to follow CODE methodology for note taking.

C - Capture - use note-taking apps or picture to store information.

O - Organize - ask, where will I use this information?

D - Distill - progressive summarization

E - Express - show your work

The tools that are listed here are free and some provides paid version w/ additional features.?


Comprehensive knowledge management tool. Organize the captured content to distill and express.

Notes should be organized by the project/idea that you are working on instead of simply put relevant heading and keep it under a folder/section.



Convenient task management w/ Kanban boards & rich features.

Important thing to follow is to keep up the promises you made with you by adding the To-Do item. Adhere to your own task list.


Use to brainstorming the ideas using mind-maps, diagrams & flowchart, etc.

Thinking is a human nature. Practice thinking every day. Asking the relevant and right questions on the subject.

Set a centralized idea on the Miro board - ask questions around it - branch the outcome and refine it.

Explore the idea and capture in OneNote - use YouTube, Pinterest for research/exploring.

Create tasks out of that and add it in Trello & prioritize periodically.



Produce graphic content like posts for social media, A4 documents, etc. with readily available templates.

Alignments and placements of the objects are easy w/ this tool.



Community engagement & collaborative discussions with the larger audience.

Discuss the subject & idea with your closed or open community.



Huge image repository - use to explore the images based upon the idea we are working on.

Images provoke our thoughts to deeper level.



Vital source of knowledge - Use to create playlist by various interested topics.

I don't want to explain anything about YouTube, you all know it well!

Take screenshots, explore the description & comments and further explore deeper.



It has lot of courses, I use to enroll technical courses. It will greatly enhance your subject knowledge while studying these organized courses.



A decent tool for screenshots and highlighting, mark-up, editing, etc.


Kindle e-Book Reader:

Use your Amazon account to utilize Prime Reading. It has huge & good collection of books.


Jio News:

Here you get free e-Magazines, especially on tech & gadgets. It is fabulous experience reading the colorful and content-full magazines.


KuKu FM/Audible:

Immerse yourself in thoughts by listening to your favorite subjects as Audio books.

Capture your thoughts in [OneNote >> QuickNotes] section while listening for later exploration and research.



Use to know about the books by the reviews & rating. Also post your comments upon completing the books.

Sharing is good & joyful!

I believe this helps someone especially the begineers, students to start managing their knowledge in a better way.


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