Tools For Creating A Growth Mindset
Nancy Quinn
Business Coach to Interior Designers * Speaker * Author* Body Language Trainer * Helping you become a confident, profitable, service-based entrepreneur!
I hope that you had the chance to read my last blog, “Signs That You’re Stuck in a Fixed Mindset”. If not, please take a few minutes to read it to get the most out of it! Now that you can identify what a “fixed mindset” is all about (if you see it in yourself) it is time to explore ways in which you can force your mind to function differently. The good news is that acquiring the right tools for building a growth mindset is simple and straightforward. The way out of a fixed mindset is to “look” beyond limiting beliefs and seeing what positive alternatives are really available. They are mostly derived from the same “symptoms” and cues I talked about earlier. The same signs that explained why your mindset is rigid and unmovable also offer a way out and a ticket for the incredible things waiting for you once you embrace growth.
Understanding Growth Mindset
First, let’s have a look at what a growth mindset is all about. As you can imagine, the philosophy behind “growth mindset” is the exact opposite of the one that threatens to suck you into mediocrity and unhappiness. The core belief underlying a growth mindset is that intelligence is not set in stone, nor limited. Forget about the craze surrounding genetics, standardized IQ tests, and other concepts used to explain why some succeed where others fail! The human brain is a fantastic system, one too complex to be fully understood even with today’s state-of-the-art scientific methods. Your mind has a high level of adaptability and you alone can mold it in every way you want. Since, your mindset sets the course of pretty much every aspect of your intelligence, skills, talents and dreams you should feel great freedom knowing none of those things are set in stone.
So, let’s dive deeper into where transforming mindset lies. You must [CONTINUE READING...]