Tools that Check for SEO Errors
Evergreen, CO – New patients looking for a dental professional often turn to Google before making a decision. For this reason, many dental professionals are putting serious time and energy into search engine optimization in the hopes of getting noticed on Google while simultaneously separating themselves from the competition.
Sadly, many business owners have no idea the small things they could be doing that could make a big difference as far as search engine optimization is concerned.
These business owners are too busy to conduct a proper SEO analysis or they find the subject far too difficult to handle. But SEO is simple if one takes the time to understand it.
Business owners have at their disposal several tools that will let them know where their SEO can be improved.
What follows are the very tools we suggest to our dental clients to help them improve their search engine optimization efforts.
Search for and Repair Broken Links (
When someone lands on a website, they expect everything to be in good working order. If a visitor comes upon a link that doesn’t work, it can frustrate the person to no end. They may even decide to leave the website altogether.
Visiting every page to find broken links can be tedious. To make the process faster, dental professionals can use a tool called Broken Link Check, which can search through an entire site looking for broken links in seconds.
If broken links are found and repaired, dental professionals can provide a more memorable user experience, and that can drastically help with SEO.
Testing Website Speed (
Another factor that affects a site’s SEO and Google rankings is load speed.
A website should load in about five seconds or even sooner. It should seem like a simultaneous experience for the visitor, whether they clicked a link to get to the site or they inserted a URL into their browser.
By cutting down on load speed, dentists can give the visitor a more memorable user experience and they’ll be more likely to stick around and visit more often.”
Google rewards sites that load quickly, thus improving load speed can help with Google SEO.
To help with load speed, dental professionals can use the tool called the Pingdom Website Speed Test. By inserting a URL, dental professionals will discover how quickly their site loads (or how slowly) as well as a few tips for optimizing load speed for higher Google rankings.
To improve a site’s load speed, dental professionals can optimize their images, install a caching plugin and get rid of any plugins that may be too cumbersome for the site to handle.
If a dental practice website site loads too slowly, speeding it up could help to drastically improve Google visibility.
Optimized Title, Description & Keywords Tags (
A website’s title, descriptions, and keywords tags are embedded in the site’s code, and are immensely important to SEO.
The Title tag is the most crucial piece of digital real estate when it comes to telling Google what a site is about. Listing all the relevant keywords in a site’s title can help dental professionals dominate the Google listings for those keyword terms. The title is usually the first thing people will see when they view Google listings. The description comes next.
So, an optimized title tag might look like this: Tampa Attorney, FL Criminal Lawyer – John Tyver Attorney at Law.
The Description tag is the area listed underneath the title in the Google search results. It should give a brief rundown of the page’s contents while enticing people to click. The description can also include a call-to-action, such as: Call John Tyver Attorney at Law when you need a Tampa, FL criminal lawyer who will fight for your rights to get you the ideal outcome for your case. Call today for a free consultation.
The Keywords tag lets Google know what a particular page is about. Thus, peppering a page’s content with relevant keywords can give a website a boost in the search engine rankings. John Tyver’s keywords might be: Tampa Attorney, FL Criminal Lawyer.
To receive a snapshot of all of a site’s metadata, dental professionals can use a tool called Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool. The tool will analyze a website’s metadata in a flash, providing dentists with easy-to-read listings of their website’s title, description and keywords tags at a single glance. This information will make the process of optimizing any website easy peasy.
Properly Optimized Header Tags (
Many dental websites don’t contain clear header tags. Header tags are the headings of a web page that get read by Google bots (or spiders), and that can factor into how a web page gets ranked. Google spiders will use header tags to learn what a page is about so that the page can be ranked properly.
Header tags should include as many relevant keywords as possible. The clearer the header tags, the more prominently that page will rank for those keywords and terms.
The tool SEO Site Checkup will list a website’s header tags in the order they appear on the page. This allows dental professionals the ability to go back into their websites to clean up their header tags for more Google visibility.
Google rewards websites that provide memorable experiences to the end user. This is why optimizing header tags, improving a site’s load speed and making sure links are in good working order are so important for SEO. Fix SEO errors and focus on providing a good experience and Google rankings should improve.
SEO tools can help pinpoint errors, but it takes an expert to provide the type of all-around SEO repair and maintenance that will provide consistently higher Google rankings. The team at can help dental professionals gain more patients from the Google search engine.
To learn more about the SEO team at Millionairium, visit
About Us: helps serious dental and orthodontic practices gain higher Google rankings. With more visibility on Google, dental professionals will enjoy a glowing reputation while attracting quality patients from the web.