The tool that helps clients with prediabetes and the prevention of diabetes.
My Viva Inc.
The Lifestyle Medicine Solution that is transforming chronic disease care.
We know that incorporating healthy behaviour change early on can not only delay the progression of a health condition but can actually prevent diabetes by 50% of the cases. As per the 2018 Clinical Practice Guidelines, we know that when clients are provided with the proper tools and education that promote problem-solving, decision-making, goal setting, self-monitoring, increased knowledge and ongoing support, it increases clients' confidence and self-efficacy around managing their own health.?Technology plays a role in this as well. As per the clinical guidelines, “technologies, such as internet-based computer programs and glucose monitoring systems, brief text messages and mobile apps may be used to support self-management in order to improve glycemic control” (Grade A, Level 1 for type 2 diabetes).
How Health Coaches Can Use My Viva Plan for Clients Living with Prediabetes or Prevention of Diabetes:
Developing lifestyle skills that are sustainable, as well as the ability to be individualized, set people up for long-term success. Health conditions such as diabetes are chronic, meaning that we are managing them over a lifetime. Learning the tools to be able to navigate through lifestyle skills is a crucial piece to be able to manage health conditions successfully.