This, Too, Shall Pass
Today’s rough-and-tumble politics is nothing new. Our brightest political lights – beginning with Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison and Adams – have had disagreements that turned as personal and intense as anything playing out in today’s social media, press, or campaign rally – so lamented by many observers.
However, unlike Founding Fathers arguing over “natural rights,” the role of government, or the allocation of power, today’s political leaders focus on whatever boosts polls, cash contributions, or the ardor of a “base” that is to the left or the right of most voters. In the drive for incumbency, politicians focus on dividing, misinforming, and creating fear.
Unfortunately, telling people what they want to hear (or already believe) is not leadership. And creating social media echo chambers that keep people siloed does not shine a light on growing problems. Only when debates focus on the facts can conflict lead to better solutions, diversity to better decisions, and compromise to eventual stability. I believe that the country is well overdue for a courageous leader to do so.
Union Life 3Sixty Group Solutions (Pty) Ltd
6 年The problem we may elect a new leader but still emulate his or her predecessors, what is needed is the paradigm shift on the mindset because dividing people for your own personal victory to be a leader that is anarchy that means for century's this attitude if left unattended it will be a serious problem even for the professionals when teaching leadership skills for scholars particularly the youth it will be of great essence to deal with this matter form the base so that as the system wash itself of old leaders we can guarantee a new breed of leadership with new perspective purpose and fulfillment of the intended goals.
Unfortunately, having debates that focus only on the facts has proven to be, in this political climate, an unreachable goal, and I suspect that is in part because that goal does not lead to true solutions. The observable reality that all too often what we think are "facts" seem to be up for debate is part of the problem, and insisting that I have the true facts and you do not is not going to advance my cause with you. There is no outside arbitration judge that I have to prove things to so that I can "win", I have to enlist you in participating with me, even if we disagree, or we both lose. And vice versa. The one who goes first is the one who CAN go first, and that is no fault or shame on the one who cannot. We have become, nationally and even internationally, very much like a dysfunctional family where some are scapegoats and some are overworked heroes and many have retreated into threat scanning, placating, and putting on whatever face seems like it will ensure survival. We need EVERYONE at the table and we need EVERYONE HEARD, even if they attempt to explain their pain by citing "facts" that I might disagree with. That's not easy, ask any family that has come back from the brink of disaster, or even true disaster like the suicide of one member, to being whole and supportive and loving to each other. Such success are rare, unfortunately, but we need to learn from those who have succeeded or we're are all up the creek. It has to be whole-hearted and mutual, no single "courageous leader" can impose heart-felt personal honesty from without.
Historian/Antique Auto Consultant/Writer/Construction Worker/Driver/Musician/Researcher at All Above
6 年I liked your commentary on leadership & government, and also the engraving. Mr. Hamilton's engraving led me to think of what it takes to even get on American currency...whether Washington on the 1 or Wilson on the 100,000. I really dislike all the focus on gauche and droit, left and right. If you look far in either direction, you get an abyss. Why not up or down? Will this policy elevate us or regress us??
Semi Retired at NES Inc.
6 年in addition to teaching debate, teach the difference between facts and opinions.?
EDI Specialist at Intecc
6 年Let’s hope the newly elected in Congress follow your lead.