I GUESS IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT WE LEARN TO HOW TO DEVELOP & BALANCE the seriousness of life & the enjoyment of life. No matter what problems may crop up, we should never allow circumstances to rob us of our optimism & enthusiasm.
It is difficult at times, especially when we have a strong sense of responsibility & feel that heavy weight upon our shoulders, to trust in divine wisdom to help us along the track to personal growth. However when it all gets too much, we may need to bend our knees & hand our problems over to a Higher Source.
Giving up on life is not the may be difficult but there is always a way forth. If we can't see this, at the moment, then we must wait until the fog shifts. Then the answers will come to enable us to make the right decision. Restrictions are there to work through but we cannot sort anything out until the time is right to do so. Patience is the key!
Love to all. Please click on my website to keep me up on the page!
Psychic Clairvoyant Brisbane Lynette Zabielo
Clairvoyant Brisbane Lynette Zabielo Ph 0418 871 135
Personal Consultations, Psychic Readings, Clairvoyance, Medium, Counselling