Too Much “MINDSET” and Not Enough ACTION!

Too Much “MINDSET” and Not Enough ACTION!

In the world of personal development where everyone is pitching their stall on “Mindset” there is a huge problem.

Instead of getting out and practically plugging the information and knowledge into their lives through deliberate action, many people spend too much time in their head and don’t execute.

They have their dream and goals; they visualise and get hyped up about what they want daily, yet there’s always something else to learn before they are ready to act.

When you are not practically going after your goals and taking action on a regular basis it creates gaps in your life and this leads to fear, frustration, insecurity and doubt. This in turn can escalate into self-destructive behaviours and unconsciously begin to work against you.

Taking Consistent and Deliberate Action Is the Key to Keeping Your Dreams A Reality.

Don’t get me wrong, having the right mindset is crucial when it comes to goal achieving but without consistent action then nothing changes.

You can have the best mindset in the world but if all you do is visualise, repeat your affirmations, and sit around manifesting what you want and don’t actually “DO Stuff” then that very same mindset can become your worst enemy.

Let me ask you this question, “If visualisation, affirmations, the law of attraction and all the other mindset techniques were all a load of nonsense (and I’m not saying they are) and the only way to reach your goals was to practically take action. Are you taking enough consistent and deliberate action every day to move yourself closer to your goals?”

I have asked this question to many clients who have came to me for help and the answer most often is “NO.”

When I say deliberate action I am talking about practical steps that are actively moving you one step closer to your goal with each step taken. I’m not taking any old activity so that it looks as though your busy.

“Don’t get caught up in confusing activity with accomplishment! Because they are totally different.

Working toward a desired outcome is about being honest with yourself. You need to be on your side everyday because your success depends on it.

If you’re not taking enough action and your serious about your goals then you need to make a start-No More Excuses!

If you are reading this and this resonates with you then use this as a reality check and start coming up with a practical plan everyday that is complimenting your mindset routine so that you are making progress both mentally and actively.

The best mindset training is TAKING ACTION.

The best way to improve your confidence is TAKING ACTION

The best way to develop a strong self-belief is TAKING ACTION

When you are taking action on a regular basis everything in your life changes, not just the completion of your goals. Taking daily action develops your character, it keeps your motivated, it changes you inside and out.

So, if you want to know they best way to keep your mindset strong and reach you goals quicker- “Become A Person Of Consistent and Deliberate Action.


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