Too much information? Find an expert.
At one time people had very limited access to information. Publishing and distribution were costly. Access to that info required research and a trip to the local library or town records office.
Now, with the ease of digital publishing and data aggregation, the problem is no longer access to information. We each have access to more information than any of our ancestors could have imagined -- and we can access it 24/7 via the phone in our pocket! The problem today is the quality of information. Now that anyone can become a publisher, nearly everyone has. Gone are the days of citing multiple reliable sources, and many sites use rudimentary algorithms to?interpret data.
Here are two key examples of how more information is not better in real estate:
So, if the data online is sometimes problematic and overwhelming, how are younger generations beginning the process? Interestingly, at 89% the 22-29 year old age group is using real estate agents as an information source more than other generations! This is astonishing, when you consider that they are the most adept at using online resources!
When there is too much information or the information is conflicting, one should work with a skilled advisor. An advisor is a curator and a guide; someone who can find accurate data and help you interpret it. This is the way I also see the role of financial advisors. They are there to cull through the enormous amount of data to help each client decide which are the right investment vehicles for them.
So, what do we do with this information? As agents and real estate professionals, we need to lean into our expertise. We can help people in our lives to cull through the available information to understand what is accurate and what is relevant to them, their community, and their home. Here are a few examples:
In the final analysis, when there is unlimited information, expertise matters more than ever.