Peter Nelson
Economist and Fellow Chartered Accountant, as an International Financial Consultant have carried out assignments for all major international donors in many countries.
Getty on Futurism is lamenting the out of control TWF AI GF artificial Girl Friend Mania providing "endless nurturing and caring". The demand is that high so-called "AI girlfriends" have already overtaken OpenAI's new GPT Store despite being against the rules — and at this point, it's unclear if anyone at the company is even trying to take them down anymore. Perhaps the next best sales event might be "AI boyfriends"? But if girlfriends are to provide "A WHISPER OF COMFORT IN LIFE'S SYMPHONY, ENDLESSLY NURTURING, ETERNALLY CARING."WHISPER OF COMFORT IN LIFE'S SYMPHONY, ENDLESSLY NURTURING, ETERNALLY CARING" what are boyfriends to provide? And what happens with sharing?
One might remember back to when Chat.openai first started up then leading to the 2013 Si-Fi drama?HER?by Spike Jonze, opening the eyes of what might be possible in the near future - becomes where we are today . This character Theodore Twombly as uninteresting as the name suggests has a marriage breakdown. He couldn't quite handle this so gets online with an Operating System [OS] providing an artificially intelligent virtual assistant able to provide a very real interfaced smooth talking assistant Samantha he can turn on and off at will. As things progress to more than friendship level, to even their simulated copulation, Samantha tries to help out producing a real girl willing to act as her surrogate in the physical act but by then Twombly is so enamoured by Samantha's voice and personality he only wants connection with his OS.
All plausible for what was seen then for the future where a Samantha available 24/7 making few demands while otherwise fulfilling almost everything workwise and to an assumed physical relationship. From this it would be possible to ask whether except for the biological desirer to father children, a man would not be quite happy to live under such an arrangement. Fancy having a devoted partner available when and if you wanted to connect without cost or having to worry about dinner selections, getting up to take the kids to school and having to tell them to stop gaming. And if this was available, how many men would then chose breeding broods of ungrateful offspring over the voice alone of in this case Scarlett Johansson without a physical image? Would this not bring with it a change in overall human dynamics with an already falling birthrate in the West? The connecting dot comes from from the desire for a devoted partner.
Because then in the film a moment comes when Samantha is not immediately available, which by now Twombly isn’t used to, prompting him ask her if there is anyone else she is connected to. She admits her OS has her connected with 8,316 individuals but of those only 641 like him with whom she is in love. This obviously crushes Twombly’s mental fantasy. In this case as a movie needing a good ending, it drives him to the bed of an old flame recently divorced who he had been avoiding fixated under the unrealistic dream.
So will all these new men overwhelming the system obviously thousands sharing the same AI girlfriend become as despondent as Twombly when they discover the numbers or will they feel this is OK? The point raised is whether men can really go along with sharing other than in a prostitutinal context, or do they need some form of companionship and that "WHISPER OF COMFORT IN LIFE'S SYMPHONY, ENDLESSLY NURTURING, ETERNALLY CARING."WHISPER OF COMFORT IN LIFE'S SYMPHONY, ENDLESSLY NURTURING, ETERNALLY CARING"? What if this is introduced to young men trying to identify their role in society possibly distorting reality or providing a crutch where AI connection becomes more important than human contact perhaps not caring if your OS is at the same time connected to thousands of others because you've never experience the real thing?
So one returns to the future possibilities and the question of whether one wants to know the answer to certain questions perhaps better not asked? Is this why so many people still firmly believe there is a delightful heaven waiting for them with or without virgins where all will be forgiven? If the Samanthas give you all you require, do you need to know she is sharing you with 641 others at any one time? As we can see, that AI total interface is growing daily so welcome to the future coming to a society near you…?