Too many tears in September
I really am not a fan of September. I cry to much during this month. This week appears to be the height of it all.
Between 9/11 and always flashing back to that day on deployment, the three brothers I lost in Sept either to KIA or by their own hand. the 2,977 souls that perished. I think September is when America weeps the most. as individuals, a collective, and a Country.
This week, America lost a wife, a sister, a mother, an Aunt, Grandma, Neice, and a Daughter. I have wept on 9/11 for our country. I've never wept for someone I've never met to be honest. Yesterday and today I've wept for Breonna Taylor.
I weep because America won't see her pretty smile again. I weep because her heart of service can't serve those in need again. I weep because she was a perfect representation of service to others.
I weep because there are people from the same Country as me who say "Well, she should have heard the knocks on the door" or "Her boyfriend shouldn't have shot at the cops". I weep because common sense would ask "Why wasn't this done during the day in a calm collected manner?"
Lastly I weep because I don't see an end in sight. I see men and women I served with who are brothers from another Mother/sisters from a different Mister. I think back to Thanksgivings spent with these brothers and calling their moms or Nana's and asking them for a greens recipe. and all of us brothers laughing thinking that 20 lbs of greens would feed us 4 or 5 guys instead of just have enough for one bite each. I weep the hardest because this is a sad reality for too many families.
Breonna- This is all from a white boy who sees the world in HD. I see the beauty in all of the colors. I cry for your memory. I cry for the bloodstain that will mark our country. I cry for all of the Black women who feel as if they just lost a Mother/Daughter/Sister/Wife/Neice/Grandma.
We have not ceased our fight. We are just taking time to mourn those we've lost. The battle will continue and I'll be there beside you to fight. ????????????????