Too many information out there. ?What should I trust?
Photo by Filip Mishevski on

Too many information out there. ?What should I trust?

I would like to start this writing by saying: "Please do not trust what I am saying here" :)

With so many information out there, people claiming to know the truth and to be always right, companies claiming to have the best solutions and the world of AI around the corner; there should be a different approach to follow.

During years we've relied on "experts". We have put important decisions on someone else's hands but we've forgotten one of our biggest powers which is called intuition.

Intuitive people are aligned with their identity no matter the environment they are at, their values, beliefs, behaviors and abilities.

When you are aligned to your identity you immediately notice when information is not clicking or when you are being asked to do something unfair.

But if you are not alined to your identity you will accept any statement guided by the fear of "?What could go wrong if I don't do this?"

?How to identify if I am being guided by fear?

  • I put everyone else's opinions before my opinions
  • I follow what others say or do without questioning if that is aligned to my values
  • I feel stressed or pressed if don't agree with something the majority agrees with

?How to separate my Identity from my behaviors?

Instead of using labels such as "I am lazy", try to reframe it as "I need to better understand my priorities".

Or instead of saying "I have anxiety" try to list the different emotions or feelings you are experiencing.

Part of this information is based on the logical levels of change concept developed by Robert Dilts

#identity #labels #stress #change #experiences #fear #trust #information #intuition #coaching #nlp


