Too many cooks... Ruin your business?
"Without a holistic view of not only the what but the how and the why businesses can find themselves with an unholy mess."
Who remembers HDDVD?
A competing technology to Blu-ray at the advent of high definition movies. Spoiler alert, they lost.
What happened there was 2 rival technology standards that basically did the same thing, but had no interoperability. A Blu-ray player could not play HDDVD and visa versa. So ultimately one had to give way to the other.
And so it is in business today. We are now talking about not 2 but multiple silos of development that do specific things, without talking to one another. As a business, you can have separate services from separate companies that handle:
- Voice
- Mobile
- Video collaboration
- Screen sharing
- Remote access
Now, some of these need to be separate for various reasons, but many, many do not. Companies who have bolted additional services onto their infrastructure without a holistic view of not only the what but the how and the why can find themselves with an unholy mess of technology which increases the burden and reduces efficient operations in their business.
Obviously now would be the time I should pitch Atlas, and our expertise in addressing this and find you the correct service that can strip back what you need, and it is certainly true.
However, if not me, or us, then someone. Somebody you trust, to look at your full estate of technology, not just what you have, but how you want to use it, you could find some massive efficiency gains allowing you to work in a new way with your customers, much more seamlessly, and without the headache you think it is going to be.
It is time to discover what the new normal can actually mean for your business. It can be agile and robust, or messy and confusing, the choice is yours.