Too many cash emergencies? FlexSalary could lift you out of financial crunch
. It will keep you away from meeting your immediate needs like paying tuition fees or emergency vehicle repairs. This situation causes you to constantly worry about your limited finances and expenses. Fortunately, you can get out of with the help of FlexSalary. You might have dozens of questions here. How can you get a loan? Is it time consuming? Will FlexSalary covers all your cash emergencies? What will you have to do? Following are some such unplanned circumstances where FlexSalary has got your back to fulfill all your impending expenses.
Pay for Vehicle Expenses
Unforeseen circumstances that demand you to make an expenditure can arise at any time. One of such circumstances, that frequently arise, presents itself in the form of vehicle repairs. Owning a vehicle inevitably means spending on its maintenance. If such an expenditure ends up being big enough to disturb your budget, a personal loan may be required to maintain the monetary balance for that month. Along with providing a personal loan against your salary, FlexSalary also gives you the freedom from fixed EMIs. The quantum of the loan is decided by a customer’s monthly salary.
Pay Tuition or School Fees
There are times when a major expense can affect your entire monthly budget, leaving other crucial expenses For instance, if a person in the family falls sick, their treatment is a priority and cannot be negotiated with. It can lead to a shortage of cash for your kids’ school or tuition fees. Under such a circumstance, you can reach out to FlexSalary for a personal loan against your monthly salary. This loan will have no fixed EMIs, unlike normal personal loans against securities. EMI free, unsecured loans that are essentially your salary in advance.
Make Credit Card Payments
There are times when an unexpected shopping expense is made. It could be due to a friend’s birthday for whom you bought an expensive gift or an impulsive shopping spree. However, by the end of that month all you do is worry about how to pay the bigger-than-usual credit card bill. During such a crisis, FlexSalary can solve this for you with a personal loan against your salary. The loan provided by them can be considered as salary in advance, since you’re your monthly salary decides the quantum of the loan. Fixed EMI free, these loans can be repaid in a tenure chosen by the customer.
Plan your dream vacation
Holidays can be a source of relaxation, but that is not all; they can also bring some financial worries. Especially if it has been a spontaneous getaway, a holiday can cause month-end cash crunch for you. With FlexSalary, you can stop worrying about that and head off on a much-needed holiday. We provide personal loans that unlike normal personal loans do not demand fixed EMIs. Your salary in advance by FlexSalary can be repaid in a tenure chosen by you.
in advance, which is different from the personal loans provided by numerous banks and NBFCs. A personal loan comes with while FlexSalary provides a unique kind of personal loan, that is open-ended. Also, there are no fixed EMI commitments to be made with FlexSalary. The personal line of credit from FlexSalary helps one make it through the month in the face of an unanticipated expense, till their next month’s salary is paid.
borrow repeatedly within your credit limit in a few clicks. No hassles of paperwork or longer wait-times. Submit application & get cash credited to your account. Moreover, the repayments are flexible and interest is charged only on the amount used and not on the entire loan balance. As the balance owed is paid down intervals, you can also choose to withdraw funds whenever you need.
Now that FlexSalary has got your back, it is easy to rebound from financial setbacks.