Too Many Bosses, Too Few Leaders. Too Many Managers, Too Few Leaders. Too Much Leadership Hype, Too Little Leadership Delivery.

Too Many Bosses, Too Few Leaders. Too Many Managers, Too Few Leaders. Too Much Leadership Hype, Too Little Leadership Delivery.

Most of the major environmental, social and economic challenges that we face today were borne out of a global leadership deficiency. We now know that, whereas natural disasters have always existed, we have made them worse through our activities in general and industrial activities in particular.

I just wanted to say this once more. This world faces severe and worsening environmental, economic and human crises. We are heading for a mega-crisis.

Around the world, economies are failing to meet the needs of their citizens. Around the world, the planet is in peril.

Around the world, we are depleting our natural resources at an alarming rate-including all sorts of species that co-exist to maintain a global balance of what humans need for their survival.

Around the world, pollution levels are increasing unabated. The climate is heating up while the world gathers in conferences and workshop, around the world but without much breakthroughs to step up action and rise to the occasion. A whole generation of Conference of Party meetings on climate action and yet The UN Secretary General warns that we haven't started on serious climate action and we are therefore heading for a major miss in terms of curbing climate change at below 2 degrees Celsius. At least the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, is exercising great leadership by saying it as it is.

Elsewhere, there is a global leadership crisis.

We have a global leadership crisis. This crisis must be addressed if we are to solve the global environmental, economic and social challenges that we face. The crisis created most of the challenges that we face.

  • Where have all the leaders gone?
  • Too many bosses, too few Leaders.
  • Too many managers, too few leaders.
  • Too much leadership hype, too little leadership delivery.
  • Too much leadership education and too little leadership training and development
  • Too much focus on leadership power and authority and too little focus on leadership abilities and results
  • Too many people in formal positions of leadership, too few real leaders in those positions
  • Too much focus on changing leaders, too little focus on changing leadership.

The Importance and Impact of Leadership

From personal experience and from research, it appears that many people, including a good number of those in formal positions of leadership, still don't understand just how important #leadership is.

  1. They still don't understand what #leadership is all about
  2. They still don't understand how best to improve leadership performance and delivery
  3. They still don't understand how best to identify high-quality leadership potential to place into formal positions of leadership
  4. They still don't understand how best to be effective as leaders

In many cases and situations, there are no real leaders. Where have all the leaders gone?

Many formal positions of leadership are occupied by catastrophic, dangerous, place-holders and mediocre leaders. Where are real effective leaders?

If we want to successfully solve the global challenges, let us start with addressing the global leadership crisis. There is no other way! We must have a clear and practical model of preparing people for leadership positions.

Those already in formal positions of leadership must open their minds to continuous improvement in their leadership performance and results.

Those who are in positions of leadership but are not leading must start leading now

Those who have the power and authority must embrace that power and authority is not leadership. They must be willing to match their power and authority with leadership competence.

Those who have no formal leadership positions must step up and step forward and fill the leadership vacuums and leadership holes in their organisations, communities and societies.

We need more leaders now.

We need better leadership now

Tomorrow is too late for our world and our future generations.

We can lead, follow or get out of the way!

[email protected] +263-77-444-74-38

?Simon Bere, 2024

Andrew Fernando ACMA/CGMA, CGISA Andy Hodges Gabriel A T Chipara 美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 Universiteit van Amsterdam 美国亚利桑那州立大学 ADP bp


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