Too Creepy? AI Powered Voicemail... Also, join me in LA
B2B Show LA and Voiceoo

Too Creepy? AI Powered Voicemail... Also, join me in LA

When new tech comes out, sometimes it feels a bit creepy. When it demonstrates that it adds value, it catches on, goes mainstream.

What about AI powered Voicemail? Yes, I built it. It's creepy yet powerful and I'm about to release it on the world.

Neither voicemail recipients nor the salesperson, BDR or SDR enjoy leaving or receiving voicemail messages. Neither do senior executives who as part of their role follow up on high value prospects. Yet the phone remains one of the most powerful communications, marketing and sales tools.

I've invented or improved upon a lot of platforms in the last 30 years of digital marketing (that's not a typo), from programmatic and bid management tech to QR Code powered Hyper-personalized direct mail (unique codes by recipient) and more recently

I built Voiceoo for myself. In order to help people (and companies) with their marketing, SEM, SEO, Social, and media buying or even cause marketing or strategy, they need to know what my team at Didit and I are up to. NO we aren't just SEM and SEO anymore although wea are amazing at that. Didit made 11 acquisitions... We are full service now.

If someone needs help my team can't provide I'll refer the business elsewhere on my 29,000+ network. It's good karma.

Call it sales, call it marketing, sometimes you have to call the people you can help most, and with nearly 30,000 LinkedIn connections that was a scary prospect.

Even if my executive assistant or marketing assistants helped make the calls, doing the research before each call it would take slightly less than forever.

I thought to myself: "what if I created an AI version of my voice, if the person I'm calling doesn't answer I can have the AI leave the exact personalized message in their voicemail, in my voice...."

Would you answer the phone if I called you out of the blue? ... But chances are you won't. So, if you are one of my contacts, there's a chance my team or I call you to catch up and when the call goes to voicemail the AI will take over with a message personalized to you.

Everyone I showed the Voiceoo platform to wanted it if they:

  1. make sales calls
  2. have someone who works for them who makes sales calls
  3. outsources the sales calls

I haven't decided yet what to charge for but certainly there is be a "friends of Kevin" discount. Want to hear it in action, sign up for the waiting list or email me.

P.S. Events are back! My event calendar over the next month Including Free Charity Headshots from is:

Keep Marketing using Power Marketing.

Oscar S. -

5 个月

Highly recommended!!!!



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