Too busy?
Too busy? Really? Or it just isn't a priority?
We work all week, have errands, appointments, cooking, cleaning, laundry. No question - we're busy.
Are we "too busy"?
It was one of those days. It seemed there was no time to breathe! I had back to back meetings and the last minute "need it now" request.
I was running out of the office, hoping the traffic would cooperate so I could make it to my appt on time. I had two more errands before heading home.
I remember thinking I really need to work out tonight, but I've just don't have time tonight.
As I pulled into the garage - WATER! Everywhere!! What the heck?
The water heater was leaking water. Seriously?!? I don't have time for this. I didn't have 30 min to workout (or was that my excuse?)
Miraculously, I found 2 hours to deal with the water heater.
I'm as guilty as anyone when it comes to the "too busy" excuse. I found 2 hours for the water heater, I could have found the 30 min to workout. I clearly wasn't making it a priority.
For the occasional REAL emergency, we may not have time. That's part of life.
However, we often let EVERYTHING take priority over EXERCISE & eating healthy. That's when it becomes a problem.
What does it take to make our HEALTH a priority?
Need an accountability partner?
Need a community of like-minded, career-driven women all striving to make their health a priority?
Need support in creating a plan?
I have 5 spots left in my next "Committed to a Healthier ME" virtual accountability group. Send me a message to save your spot.