Too Busy to Create the Lifestyle You Want?
Connie Ragen Green - Too Busy to Create the Lifestyle You Want?

Too Busy to Create the Lifestyle You Want?

Are You Too Busy to Create the Lifestyle You Want and Deserve?

Life is messy and complicated and busy. As I ponder this concept of being too busy to create the lifestyle you want I am reminded of this quote:

Beware the barrenness of a busy life.” ~ Socrates, 400s BC

I mentor about a dozen people, either through my mentor program or privately. I’m far from home this month and last night I was in contact with one of my mentees by text (called SMS in Europe) and we discussed a project he intended to have ready last month. He said he was too busy to work on it until school begins again for his two children and his wife returns to work full time.

Then I asked him a question that caused him to pick up the phone and call me from across the pond.

“Imagine what this summer would be like if your project had been completed months ago. Different, yes?”

Think about this as you build your business, write and publish a book, and create products and courses in your niche. Resist the urge to put things off today because you’re too busy, by holding the vision of what will be when you finally accomplish your goals.

I shared this with my online community to see what their reaction would be. The email replies continue to flood my inbox with discussions of what people I am connected with feel moved to achieve to avoid the regrets of a life with goals and dreams not fulfilled or completed.

One reply was from a man whom I mentored for a year and still consider to be a friend. He has finally realized he has allowed his online business suffer as he gave his time and talents to a company that is now slowly fading into oblivion and will soon be a part of his past.

Another shared that she has started and stopped her online work for five years and was recently let go by an employer who failed to appreciate her loyalty and dedication. She is now ready to move forward as an entrepreneur.

And the one that touched my heart was from a man who had attended two of my live events over the years, enrolled in several of my online courses, yet never made time to follow through on what he was learning. He wrote to tell me he is now divorced and only sees his little boy every other weekend. One of the issues in his marriage was that he preferred to work two jobs instead of embracing the struggle of entrepreneurship to reach his full potential. Now he vows to change his ways and not be too busy to create the lifestyle he wants and deserves.

I asked them and the others who wrote to me to make a promise to themselves and to me to never say, feel, or believe they are too busy to build a business that will change their circumstances and their lifestyle, forever.

Let this be the time of great change for you as my summer was in 2006, the year I began my work as an online entrepreneur. You deserve a lifestyle that suits you and your family first and foremost.

Think about this as you build your business, write and publish a book, and create products and courses in your niche. Resist the urge to put things off today because you’re too busy by holding the vision of what will be when you finally accomplish your goals.

As I think back over the past decade I realize that each day could have been different for me. Instead of writing and publishing an article that was not very good, in my opinion, I did it anyway. Instead of waiting until my first product was perfect I did the best I could and sold it to everyone who was interested in learning more from me on that topic. And instead of waiting until my voice sounded better or I had more to say I went ahead and recorded my podcast and released it to the world.

The results of my writing, teaching, and speaking continue to grow. I’ve written and published more than twenty books, released over sixty products and courses, and recorded more than two thousand hours of audio. And to think I might not have done that if I chose to be too busy to create the lifestyle that would change my life.

Start where you are right now. It will never be perfect, so allow “good enough” to suffice. It all gets much easier over time, but only if you begin and stay consistent. Take the plunge into massive action and see what happens. Think of yourself as someone who perseveres, accepts a challenge, and moves forward against all odds. Vow to never be too busy to create the lifestyle you want and deserve. You can do it – I believe in you!

This article was originally published on my site at

I’m author, publisher, and entrepreneur Connie Ragen Green and would love to connect with you. If you’re new to the world of online entrepreneurship please check out my training on how to sell yourself at Sell Yourself and Your Stuff and learn how to gain an unfair advantage when it comes to building a lucrative online business.


