Tony Robbins | How to Make a Tough Decision, Part 1

Tony Robbins | How to Make a Tough Decision, Part 1

“It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.”

Every aspect of our lives, from our relationships to our careers, hinges on the choices we make. ?

Decisions have the power to shape our destiny and propel us toward the life we desire. ?

They also have the power to keep us stuck and prevent us from achieving our goals. ?

And a lack of decision can leave us feeling stagnant, depleted, and leads to a complete loss of momentum. Sometimes we’re so scared we won’t make the right decision that we choose NO decision and let the fear of failure paralyze us from moving forward.?

In short, it’s the quality of our decisions that determines the quality of our lives.?

Think for a moment about the most important decisions you’ve made in your life. Perhaps it was a move, a career change, to start a new relationship, or to end one...?

How did you make those decisions? ?

Whenever I make a big decision, there are key principles I use to make them with confidence and clarity. And just like a muscle, you can grow your ability to make decisions so you’re consistently making progress. ?

1. All Decision Making Should Be Done in Writing??

When you try to make decisions in your head you do something called looping.?

Your brain gets stuck in a loop because you're trying to take something complex and look at it from every angle. You turn each viable option over, examining it thoroughly, your thoughts branching out into?other possibilities, and eventually you’re doing that x 10.?

You need a visual. Decision making requires the review of lots of information – and it can overload the brain.?

In fact, it’s been proven that the more decisions a person has to make in their day to day, the more taxing and energy-depleted they become. ?

Decision making is an energy-intensive process. Honor it.?

Take a moment to write out what you know about the decision you’re trying to make. ?

Sometimes what feels complex in our own heads becomes vastly simplified on paper.?

2. Be Clear About What You Want?

The foundation of exceptional decision-making lies in clarity. To make effective choices, you must first gain crystal-clear clarity about your goals, values, and priorities. ?

What is your ultimate outcome??

What do you truly desire? ??

Clarity is power.?

When you know what you want (your outcome) and your why (your purpose) decision making becomes simplified. ?

If you’re unclear about what you want and your why, things will seem murky. ?

You may be influenced by outside forces that don’t have your best interests at heart.?

Knowing your what and your why will act as your true north when it comes to making tough decisions. ?

“When you have a clear vision, the path ahead becomes illuminated, making decisions more straightforward and purposeful.”??

3. Decisions Are Made on Probability?

No one has a crystal ball to tell them with 100% certainty they've made the right decision. ?

It’s about taking inventory of the information available and making the best choice possible.?

Leaders are decision makers. And they step into their decisions without total certainty that it’s going to work out. ?

This is what sets them apart?from everyone else. They’re willing to take action when everyone else is paralyzed by uncertainty. ?

This is what made General Norman?Schwarzkopf?a revered leader and mentor to me personally.?

I remember?talking to?Schwarzkopf?about mentors that have shaped our beliefs about life and decision-making. He spoke of one of the generals he had worked for before he was the “Stormin’ Norman” he’s fondly known?as today. ?

General Schwarzkopf recalled a situation in which the general was asked to make a decision that had been stagnant for almost 10 years. The general looked at them and he said, “The answer is obvious, gentlemen.” ?

And then he gave them the answer. He said, “That’s our decision. Move on it.”?

After they left,?Schwarzkopf?approached the general and said, “Permission to speak freely?” ?

The seasoned general replied, “Certainly.” ?

Schwarzkopf said, “General, I know you don’t have a clue what those guys were even talking about.”?

The general smiled at him, and he said, “You’re right. I didn’t understand all of it.” And he said, “But you know what? This has been a decision that no one’s been willing to make for 10 years.” ?

He went on to state:?

?“For 10 years they’ve talked about it, going back and forth. The best minds have been on it, and they can’t decide one way or the other, so you know what? We need to pick one and do it. So, I just did. ?
Because I believe that now all the best people are going to go to work on it, and they’ll either make it work or they won’t. They’ll see it’s not working, and we’ll change directions, and we’ll do what’s right, but what’s happened right now is a logjam of nothingness.?
Decisions are power, and I’m here to make them. That’s what I’m in this position for. ?
That’s what I’m a leader for.”?

The general?did what no one else could do: he acted.?

Often tough decisions are less about making the “right” choice and more about making the choice.?

And my friends, despite what you might think, you can always pivot.?

If you wait to have all the information, so will everyone else. ?

If you make a decision that turns out to be wrong or not the best choice you can change things. The important part is making a decision to start with. ?

4. All Decision Making Is a Clarification of What You Value?

Lastly, each decision we make should point to our values. ?

It can be a tough choice you’re making, but if it aligns with what matters most to you, you’re propelling yourself in the right direction.?

And there’s nothing worse than making a decision based on FEAR, rather than what you feel is right in your heart. ?

When faced with tough decisions, it's crucial to avoid the trap of limiting beliefs. ?

I’m worried this won’t work out because...?

I don’t want to try that because...?

Expand your options and explore alternative paths. Seek out diverse perspectives, gather information, and challenge your assumptions. By broadening your horizons, you open the door to innovative solutions and unforeseen opportunities.?

Decision making doesn’t have to be agonizing. It can be an exciting way to align with what you desire most. And you can treat each new decision like an exercise, building your decision-making muscle. ?

What’s a current decision, big or small, you can apply these principles to? ?

Is there a decision you’re procrastinating on making because of the fear of failure that you could take action on today??

How can you apply your WANT and WHY to simplify a decision that feels complex??

I’ll leave you with this my friends; while the responsibility?of choice?can feel weighty, it is our true power to own our destiny and choose our course. ?

We are the captains of our journey. What will you choose??

Join me next month for Part 2 in decision making where I walk you through the actual process of how I make tough decisions in my own life. ?

Tony Robbins

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Films and Books I’m Loving

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It’s my privilege to be one of the Executive Producers on the film The Sound of Freedom that’s currently out in theaters. Based on the true story and life of my dear friend, Tim Ballard, it highlights some of the darkest aspects of humanity, and yet sheds light on the tireless efforts of many to protect innocent children who are the victims of human trafficking.

Sage and I have partnered with several organizations to help end child slavery and have funded 28,000 rescues and rehabilitations so far. Please support this film and let’s spread awareness of this growing problem. We can be the difference between a child’s freedom and imprisonment.??

Find your local show times here.?

Looking for more guidance on decision making??

Sometimes we need an outside perspective, someone who can challenge our assumptions and broaden our horizons. Someone who can call our bluff when we’re acting out of fear versus when we are in alignment with what we value most in life. ?

And maybe you’re not sure what your values and vision are for the life you’ve always wanted. A coach can help you with all of the above! Schedule a coaching session today with a Tony Robbins expert coach and make empowered decisions daily.?

“While the responsibility?of choice?can feel weighty, it is our true power to own our destiny and choose our course.”?
Bilal Bilal

A étudié à Technical and Vocational Training Corporation

6 个月

BilalLoumi Datedenaissance:07ao?t1996Nationalité:MarocainAdresse:Maroc Téléphone:+212704-219515E-mail:[votreadressee-mail] OBJECTIF Rejoindreuneentreprisecanadienneentantquesoudeuretapportermescompétencestechniques,marigueuret monsensdelaprécisiondanslestravauxdesoudureetdemétallurgie. COMPéTENCES ? Soudageàl'arc,MIG,TIGetoxyacétylénique ? Réparationetmaintenancedestructuresmétalliques ? Lecturedeplanstechniques ? Techniquesdedécoupageetd'assemblage ? Connaissancedesnormesdesécuritéetdesantéautravail CERTIFICATIONSETFORMATIONS ? 01janvier2023 :Certificatdecompétenceengestiond'unesalledesport ? Dipl?medestagiairedesentra?neurs(réparationphysique,diététique,pédagogie) ? Attestationdeformationd'entra?neurenfitnessetenforce ? Formationenentra?nementfonctionnel EXPéRIENCESPROFESSIONNELLES ? STEBourak Poste:Soudeur[Datesdetravail] o Réalisationdetravauxdesouduresurstructuresmétalliques o Montageetassemblagedepiècessoudées o Inspectiondessoudurespourgarantirlaqualité ? STEDoubleBabe Poste:Soudeur[Datesdetravail] o Souduresurdifférentsmétauxettypesdejoints o Maintenancedeséquipementsdesoudage ? STEIstaBane Poste:Soudeur[Datesdetravail] o Opérationdesouduredanslafabricationd’équipementsmétalliques o Respectstrictdesnormesdesécurité LANGUES

Rhiannon Gagnon

Ecstatic Garage @EcstaticGarage #EcstaticGarage

8 个月

Good points to look at! I found this helpful! Thanks!

Lex Grijseels


1 年

Thank you Jim, Thank you Tony, Thank you everybody!

Roger T F.

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1 年
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George Kriza

Experienced C-Level Business Consultant | Solve Management Problems & Growth Problems | Business Funding | Solve Culture Issues | Management Success | Eliminate Blockers | Solve Software Issues | UI/UX | Chasm Crossing

1 年


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