Tony Robbins | The Cure for Quiet Quitting

Tony Robbins | The Cure for Quiet Quitting

“When business and impact are interwoven, we feel whole.”?

If you’re reading this newsletter, odds are you’re an achiever just like me.?

You have high standards when it comes to your career. You’re the kind of person who gets it done. ?

But in today’s world, even the most driven leaders and team members?are experiencing burnout. ?

Quiet quitting has crept into offices, remote and in-person alike. People are questioning what they really want out of life more than ever before. And the pulse of late is that of an unsatisfied, uncertain society of achievers. ?

After working with millions of people for over four and a half decades, I think I know why. ?

You see, in all our well-intentioned efforts, in all our grinding and hustling, we’ve missed the higher calling in what we do.?

We go to work, but we aren’t doing the greater work: our life’s mission, our calling.?

I don’t think we humans were put on this earth to just churn out reports and make the bottom line.?

My friend, business is a spiritual game. ?

Tony Robbins backstage, reading prep documents

Don’t mishear me. I’m not talking about religion or woo-woo spiritual. I’m talking about tying what we do daily to the core of what makes us human: IMPACT. The desire to contribute. To do more, be more, give more, serve more.?

It’s in our DNA. The first humans were wired for community and service. ?

We gathered in small tribes where we?relied on one-another for food, shelter, protection, and?connection. ?

Anthropologist Margaret Mead said it best, “Helping someone else through difficulty is where civilization starts.” ?

“Helping is evolutionary and can be seen everywhere in nature, from bees to mushrooms.”?

So how do we tie this inherent part of humanity to what we do daily in Slacks, emails, Zooms, and boardrooms??

First, we flip burnout on its ugly head. ?

The instinct when we feel burnout is to escape, to pull back, to retreat. ?

We think managing our limited energy reserves is what will spare us the pain of overwhelm.?

When in reality it leaves us emptier than ever because we’re not bringing our full selves to the table. We’re allowing for a hollowed, half version of ourselves to?go live our life. ?

And it’s true, not all jobs feel meaningful.?

But in those cases, how can you BRING meaning to it? Where can you decide to show up with your whole heart? Where can you choose to engage instead of disconnect??

Nothing will put a human on empty faster than feeling disconnected.??

My advice after working with countless humans from all over the world and decades of obsessing over the psychology of the human brain? ?

Lean in. ?

Find your WHY. ?

And don’t shy away from deeper connections. Even when you’re tired.?

Especially as we enter into a season of gratitude... think about the ways in which your daily outcomes?might serve a greater purpose, or a fellow human being.?

Maybe it’s cultivating an environment for your employees to grow and thrive, not just a place for them to clock in and take home a paycheck. ?

Or maybe it’s incorporating contribution into your business plan. Making money feels good, but there’s nothing like seeing?joy on another human’s?face after you’ve given them something they truly needed.??

You can be wildly profitable and serve others. ?

Co-Auther Dr. Steven Trzeciak of the book, The Wonder Drug: 7 Scientifically Proven Ways Serving Others is The Best Medicine for Yourself, found:?

“The cure for burnout was not escape. I could boost my resilience and?protect myself from burnout by making deeper human connections.”?

Time management expert and researcher Laura Vanderkam?recently wrote?“I’ve come to realize that the opposite of burnout isn’t doing nothing, or even scaling back. It’s engagement.”?

There’s more and more science coming out that supports happiness being?directly linked to our ability to give. ?

When looking at?our jobs and careers, many of which take up?a significant portion of our lives, this cannot be ignored. ?

When business and impact are interwoven, we feel whole. ?

Without it, we feel apathy, disconnect, and confusion. ?

So, my friend, during this holiday season how can you do the opposite of what most do...?

How can you connect on a deeper level? ?

How can you do more? (I’m not talking about taking on more to-dos, but making a real impact in the lives of others)?

How can you find meaning in the work you do daily??

...and fight the urge to shrink away?from all the beautiful opportunities this joyous time of year has to offer...?

Because?when we give more, we are connecting to the part of us that makes us truly human. And in that we find?meaning and purpose. ?

Live with Passion,?

Tony Robbins?

Tony Robbins Signature

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I glad this message was the first one this could help a lot of people

Bilal Bilal

A étudié à Technical and Vocational Training Corporation

5 个月

BilalLoumi Datedenaissance:07ao?t1996Nationalité:MarocainAdresse:Maroc Téléphone:+212704-219515E-mail:[votreadressee-mail] OBJECTIF Rejoindreuneentreprisecanadienneentantquesoudeuretapportermescompétencestechniques,marigueuret monsensdelaprécisiondanslestravauxdesoudureetdemétallurgie. COMPéTENCES ? Soudageàl'arc,MIG,TIGetoxyacétylénique ? Réparationetmaintenancedestructuresmétalliques ? Lecturedeplanstechniques ? Techniquesdedécoupageetd'assemblage ? Connaissancedesnormesdesécuritéetdesantéautravail CERTIFICATIONSETFORMATIONS ? 01janvier2023 :Certificatdecompétenceengestiond'unesalledesport ? Dipl?medestagiairedesentra?neurs(réparationphysique,diététique,pédagogie) ? Attestationdeformationd'entra?neurenfitnessetenforce ? Formationenentra?nementfonctionnel EXPéRIENCESPROFESSIONNELLES ? STEBourak Poste:Soudeur[Datesdetravail] o Réalisationdetravauxdesouduresurstructuresmétalliques o Montageetassemblagedepiècessoudées o Inspectiondessoudurespourgarantirlaqualité ? STEDoubleBabe Poste:Soudeur[Datesdetravail] o Souduresurdifférentsmétauxettypesdejoints o Maintenancedeséquipementsdesoudage ? STEIstaBane Poste:Soudeur[Datesdetravail] o Opérationdesouduredanslafabricationd’équipementsmétalliques o Respectstrictdesnormesdesécurité LANGUES

Rhiannon Gagnon

Ecstatic Garage @EcstaticGarage #EcstaticGarage

8 个月

Wow! This just helped me to fix the very thing mentioned that I was taught growing up. Instead, of disconnecting; give more. Now, I can see why it had hindered me. Thanks, I was looking for a solution to this ongoing problem. Good article!

JimmyTay Trinh

SustainCity: a platform for sustainable businesses, cities, communities and govt. ??♂???♂???♂? 2-Time IRONMAN | Driven by purpose, resilience, and innovation.

8 个月

Chasing Money vs. Chasing Purpose. Social Media impact on society is more detrimental than beneficial.


I’m going to your class coming up I can’t wait



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