Tony Blair On Leadership

Tony Blair On Leadership

Welcome to Institute Insights, where TBI experts bring to life our work enabling political leaders to drive change that transforms lives.?

In this edition, our Executive Chairman Tony Blair discusses his new book On Leadership: Lessons for the 21st Century and what his work in government and as Executive Chairman at the Tony Blair Institute has taught him about leadership and how to deliver.

Lessons for the 21st Century

My book On Leadership, published today, is a book about government and lessons learnt from governing; but it is also a wider analysis of leadership, which has application across any profession or walk of life.

Government is different, of course, first because you can come as I did to the position of prime minister without any prior ministerial experience; and second because the business of governing is inextricably linked to politics. But that doesn’t alter the fact that governing is, in many respects, like running a business. True, in achieving power you have to be a great communicator. But once there, the role is much more like a CEO.

Yet there has been little or no attempt to codify or assemble best practice of governing, to treat it like a science and not simply an art. The book seeks to rectify that. ?

Much of what I’ve learned about leadership, of course, links to my ten years as prime minister of the United Kingdom. Many lessons, however, come from the work I have done since leaving office, collaborating with leaders around the world through my Institute. The Institute for Global Change now works with more than 40 governments around the world, and the lessons I’ve learnt through helping to equip them to deliver change for their people have proved every bit as valuable as those gained through my own experience leading a government. Each country may be different in terms of their resources, development, size and population. The lessons for how to lead and deliver, however, can be applied across cultures.

My Institute supports leaders to get things done by advising on strategy, policy and delivery, with technology as the enabler of all three.

It begins with a clear plan of action, underpinned by a clear strategic vision of what the Leader wants to achieve. This is the difference between leading an organisation and simply managing it. Then comes what I call the four ‘P’s: prioritisation; policy; personnel and performance management, i.e. delivery.

No leader, certainly in government, can achieve everything. So decide those things that define your leadership and focus on them as priorities.? ?

I emphasise the importance of policy: pursuing the right policies first and dealing with the politics second. ?At the Institute we support leaders around the world in delivering their reform agendas. Policies are not a list of ambitions; they should have rigour, be radical but also deliverable.

The 21st-century technological revolution is key to policy. It is as far-reaching as the 19th-century Industrial Revolution. Modern leaders have to understand it and deploy it.

Personnel – “it’s all about the people” – is so obvious, but often overlooked because personnel decisions are usually the most tense and difficult.

Finally comes delivery. The right strategy and the right policies are worth little unless you can deliver. It sounds simple, right? But I’ve found delivery to be one of the most complex challenges, both in government and in my Institute’s work with leaders around the world. Delivery is an active discipline , not a passive mode of travel. It requires specific attention, specific approaches and dedicated, outcomes-focused teams. The right strategy, the right policy, are only as good as your ability to deliver change through them.

I hope whatever type of leader you are you find some of the lessons I share helpful and enjoy the book. As I say, many of these lessons were ones I learned the hard way and I share them with humility. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and any of your lessons.

Tony Blair, Executive Chairman

For more information on the book, go to: .

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We will be discussing a radical-yet-practical vision that reimagines the state to deliver for the British people. Topics will include Health Care for the 21st Century , Net Zero Needs A New Politics and New Approach -?How Do We Get There? and Economic Growth in the 21st Century .

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Stay in Touch

Edward Davey

Head, UK Office, World Resources Institute Europe; Senior Advisor, Food and Land Use Coalition

1 个月

I found the book very helpful and stimulating and have bought a copy for the WRI UK office. Thanks Tony and team.

julio fidhlan

passionate and motivated

1 个月

Hopefully your leadership can spread positive energy to make this world run better from time to time


In the house

  • 该图片无替代文字

It's really flipped upside down whilst I'm in a mental health ward currently being observed by chrisit team.

Dr. Kasili Mutambo, Ph.D.

Policy Researcher and Institutional Consultant

2 个月

Thank you Hon PM for putting your thoughts and experiences in a book on leadership. I hope those in leadership will draw useful lessons learned for better policies and strategy to improve on social progress and delivery.


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