TONIGHT!! –Biden’s καιρ?? Moment …..Suburbs – Women – Dobbs = Victory
Dr. Robert S.
New Century Wellness & Talent Performance.....Next Generation in Human Capital Learning Technology
Καιρ??……….in Ancient Greek ....the “Supreme Moment”
It is that one significant act that determines the end of the story.
….in one context of a Greek Tragedy it is that repartee… the defining moment that turns the tide one way or the other. …to its eventual outcome
In the Cliff Notes – it is the key point explanation of the entire journey of the writer
For Biden tonight – it is his Sine Quo Non in which he can change hearts and minds about himself
Having coached lots of excellent commission sales professionals
The success recipe is simple
Close ??
The President has that opportunity tonight with the largest audience that will be viewing before the General Election.
Connect requires the immediate impression of expertise- authenticity and transparency
Convince are the three supporting premises that prove the value of what you are selling
Close is the confirmation of your relational connection to the client …that is deeply attached to you authenticity ….for no one wants to be some transactional fool that were sold a bill of useless goods.
The President has strong headwinds in the swirling if not confusing images- persona’s of Self his staff has projected about this man named Joe.
This is a herculean task to overcome in an hour’s time.
Do they re-introduce Joe in his finest qualities?
?….something sincere with a Feeling Emotion accomplishes the task
This is tough thing to do….especially since Joe’s Speech Writers use the old Glad-hand Selling approach of employing Positive and Negative reinforcement to counter each other
The Convince portion has a selection of great legislative initiatives that I would pick no more than five and then with some affirmational storytelling relate them in a simple pedagogical manner.
Closing is a summation of all the positives…..nothing negative !!!
I’ve sold lots of stuff for many decades…..never sold anything by running down my competitors
In fact …I would justify my competitors product to display my fairness and the level of unique honesty that sincerely came from my heart to each customer.
With ninety percent Close Rate…many on the first visit …this Aspirational Selling never failed …its ROI was $$$ in the bank
Unfortunately ….Biden like Trump and Haley all use this dystopian vision of American Society – Darkness- Death- Destruction lurks around every corner
Conveniently the Candidate is the Corporate Savior that can reverse the tide of this trepidation – they are the only source that can fix it—Crazy !
I’ve been the Corporate Savior many times ….who is more like Pollyanna with a Optimistic Energy that lifts all the boats in the tide
As we say up country ….if you aim for the trees – you’ll hit the ground
If you aim for the stars – you’ll surely clear the trees
?Having heard all of the President speeches – I have no expectation that he will follow this format
Biden’s ?Divide and Conquer – Veni-Vidi -Vici Machismo works if you have the ardor of? youth in your step
You do not have to be young to pull this off
Just Spiritually- Metaphysically Sound- lots of people Joe’s age and older are revered in professional circles way into their eighties
Joe’s cognitive image challenge is more one of lacking any of these integrity qualities …he’s such a serial liar – people remember this
Still worse ….these repetitively induced images are now part of the popular culture.
For those of us who have actually benefited from Positive Stereotypes it is truly mystifying how once something is baked into the Popular Mindset it is nearly impossible to erase or correct
These are the Strong Headwinds that will be blowing this evening
YET—the President has a Glide Path to Victory
?Suburbs-? Women – Dobbs
America has become this place where there is a striking spilt personality in terms of the type of location in which you live
Rural America is a wasteland for the Democrats as they have constantly demeaned – disparaged and debased the people that live there
As I said ---once something is Baked In – hard to fix
Urban areas have are Blue Zones ….but the poor manner the immigration issues has been managed and how marginalize Black & Brown Communities are impacted like everything else more intensely than others – there is a loss of constituency here.
This is critical base that in the final analysis will perform well for the Blue Team
?Trouble brews in the Suburbs ……high cost of taxes- failing schools- emotionally unwell children
..that all has been supercharged by the forced migration of millions of new residents that live in motels, low income housing, shelters
My former suburban town that I left to retire had nearly four thousand Haitian refugees over several years absorbed into the community.
While I profile no one and speak a mean Creole …..
I cannot even begin to explain the psychological impact
Suburbs are the battle ground for this election--- Ground Zero
With many people unhappy with both Biden and Trump
Biden’s inconsistent -incoherent policies …self induced dotage
Trump’s repugnant personal behavior that to these polished up educated folks is consistently offensive—so over the top
Lots of room here for Biden to upscale himself with some affirmational vision that puts distance—daylight between him and #45
Trump has a seismic challenge with many women
The more educated and professional…the more challenging it is
No one could survive in these women’s professional circles and act like Donald
With the many ethnic women I know ….his lack of introspection- culpability to commit to self-improvement and boorish behavior totally disqualify him as a creditably leader ??
Many were Haley supporters and need to go somewhere else now
Many will hold their nose and vote for Donald ---purely Kitchen Table Economics
Others find Donald so disgusting and Biden so feeble that they could just sit home in November
What I personally find most disappointing in Trump – is his absence of contrition and the need for personal redemption
Not a sign of an integrated well individual ---hardly the Global Role Model Leader
For Joe Biden – the World is his Oyster …….
Forget the young women…..who vote in low percentile
……older women – rural-urban-suburban ?- 50-90 years old that lived in the age of the backroom abortions
…are coming out in droves this November
This demographic that has a huge percentage of active voters are once again going to be the Queen Makers in 2024
The GOP has done everything possible to distance itself from this critical voter block.
It truly astounds me !!? ….speechless …at the rank stupidity
How all of these expert- overpaid – insular GOP consultants have done everything possible to dismiss and insult this huge critical voter block?
For Biden tonight—a nice story would Connect – Convince- Close with these voters …they be coming out for you Joe in November
Trump cannot win without a portion of this demographic.
For Biden- the ultimate Καιρ?? Opportunity
If Joe misses all the other slow lobed softballs
…all he needs to do is hit this one tonight to win the game in November
Lots of Opportunity Tonight to have a transformational moment
Alas ….the mindset of these elites live in the echo chamber of their own creation ..far removed from regular folks and reality
…this myopia distorts huge opportunities into insignificant minutia
…as Julia Robert said in Pretty Woman ……….Big Mistake!!
One thing is for certain – Tonight will be a Defining Moment in the 2024 Election