Tongue and Heart are both made boneless
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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Any tough unwanted words mean that piercing words are enough to hurt someone from inside here, hurt doesn't mean the physical hurt that one gets, buts its about emotionally getting hurt…. if suppose a loved one of yours say something really bad about you and you didn't expect that from that person… then you would feel ‘emotionally’ hurt… that's what this statement means….. a tongue, though having no bones, can hurt anyone deeply (emotionally) by its words…. hope you get this straight!
The tongue has two functions : to taste and to speak. The God made the tongue obviously for the benign purposes of humanity : To enable him to taste the other delicacies created by God himself — the food , the fruits , the sweet honey and all the sweet things of life which men discovered through their own intelligence throughput the existence of humanity .
And to create the great family of humanity by love, by sweet words, by spreading the message of great virtues, by making the whole world a single race through propagation of brotherhood and fellowship feeling. While this has been made possible by the great saints, the great men traveling throughout the world in that remote past , the God - incarnates who sacrificed their lives for the love of humanity ;
And the same men, in the form of demons, in some remote time, created a situation which annihilated the saintly men and other innocents, by spreading the message of destruction. Thus came the transformation of the tongue from its blissful avatar to the shape of a huge monster who created havoc in the whole world by following a singular objective of transforming the mind and faith from a democratic belief to a system of forced belief which none wanted to embrace from the heart ,but had no option but to surrender to the dictate of the ferocious tongue.
The tongue, the great medium, from which comes the honey - like words, the melodious music, the chanting of slokas to offer prayers to the beloved god, the words of solace and harmony from the godly men, the little poems from the mother to the child to enchant him ;
Sometimes becomes a scissors like instrument in the mouth of some uncivilised people who create rift, sow the seeds of venom, disturb peace, ignite the fire of destruction and enjoy it with a poisonous mentality. The phrase “your tongue is forked in two" means to deliberately say one thing and mean another or, to act in a hypocritical manner.
The metaphor of a forked tongue refers to the forked tongue of a snake. A snake’s forked tongue is also called a bifurcated tongue. To speak with a forked tongue means to tell lies, to not be truthful, to be deceptive.
The idea of the forked tongue has been derived from the old Adam and eve story which is believed to be 500 years old which gets it’s picturization as which the Satan is visualized as a snake. As mentioned in the story, evil appears to Eve in the from of the reptile (snake) and talks her into going against the will of God. He does this by telling her lies and appealing to her curiosity. If it is said to you, as in “Oh bite your tongue!”, it means you need to be quiet so as not to offend, insult or antagonize someone else.
If you say it about yourself, as in “I had to bite my tongue.”, it means you didn’t say something you wanted to say because it would offend, insult or antagonize someone else. Usually, it implies that you really wanted to say it, but decided not to for fear of repercussions or because you didn’t want to start a fight. Stay blessed! #kishoreshintre #possessedbywritingspirit
good one! well said! you can make friends and enemies by the way you speak Kishore Shintre
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