“tomorrow”: Schaeffler’s technology magazine
? AI image generator Runway

“tomorrow”: Schaeffler’s technology magazine

Dear tech enthusiasts,

The latest issue of our “tomorrow” newsletter is out. Stay up to date with the hottest trends, innovations and insights from the tech world. If you have something on your mind, don’t hesitate to write us here on LinkedIn or by email at [email protected]. And now have fun experiencing technology with Schaeffler.

Sincerely yours,

“tomorrow’s” editorial board

1. Next-level city

? AI image generator Runway

Cities of tomorrow are integrated, sustainable, and efficient. New technologies change how we get around, live, work, and shape our life. But how can smart solutions be integrated into existing infrastructure? Experts provide answers. Click here.

2. Clean-up fever in the ocean

? The Ocean Cleanup

“The Ocean Cleanup” intends to scoop some 90 percent of the plastic waste that’s close to the surface from the world’s oceans by 2040. The non-profit organization was founded by a then teenager whose greatest fans include the UK pop band Coldplay. Read more.


3. About a success that didn’t want to be one

? Manufacturer

A wooden mouse, steam power, music boxes, and a vacuum cleaner motor – the history of the computer on its way to becoming an integral component of modern life is brimming with unusual inventions and turning points. Plus, with predictions that never came true. Click here.


4. New issue of the “tomorrow” technology magazine is online

? Julia Garan/iStock

AQ has joined IQ in becoming an increasingly important core competency. AQ? You’ve never heard of it? Then that’s one more good reason to read the new issue of our technology magazine “tomorrow” with its focus topic “Integration.” AQ stands for adaptability quotient, i.e., the ability to integrate new things into established life situations. Read the e-paper.



