Tomorrow I am riding 135km in support of the Kayla's Children Centre... can you help me out :-)
Harold Goldberg
Leadership and Management Consultant who drives results by facilitating training in key topics to Owners and Executives
Tomorrow I am riding 135km in support of Kayla's Children Centre - formerly Zareinu.
If you have already sponsored me - THANK YOU SO MUCH!
If not you still have one more chance.
Kayla's Children Centre was founded in May 2017 as a non-profit organization that resulted from the merger of the Zareinu Educational Center of Metropolitan Toronto and Project AIM Programs. Their mandate is to provide education, recreation and respite services to children with special needs. They are providing endless opportunities for children with diverse needs and abilities. The dollars I raise will have a direct impact on the children of KCC.
This year we are riding twice! I completed the 100 km, as usual, on June 10th. However, this year we decided to kick it up a notch! On August 20th, I will be riding 135 km up in Muskoka and ending the ride with an inspiring finish line greeted by the children and families at Kayla's Overnight Camp! Please allow the children and parents of KCC to feel your warm embrace by opening your heart and making a donation.
Kayla’s Children Centre is a registered charity and you will get an immediate emailed tax receipt.
Thank You!