Tommy Lasorda Meets Saint Peter At The Pearly Gates
Saint Peter: “Next, please.
“Tommy. Thomas Charles Lasorda.”
Saint Peter: “Occupation?”
“Manager / Skipper. L.A. Dodgers.”
Saint Peter: “Hold on, I need to call the boss.”
“Who in the Devil is the boss?”
Saint Peter: “He goes by the name of God, hang on. Yeah, yeah ok, I’ll tell ‘em.”
“Who are you?”
Saint Peter: “I usually go by the name of Saint Peter, though I can go by the name of Peter the Apostle, Peter the Rock, Simon Peter, Simeon, Simon or Cephas.
Tommy just trust me - there’s a bunch of immortals that've been asking about your whereabouts.
Smokey (Walt Alston), Buckner, Hodges, Gilliam, Drysdale, Pee Wee, Robinson, Sutton, Roseboro, Howe, Campy, Moon, Sweet Lou, the Duke of Flatbush - among others - and there's even more that you have not yet met."
Saint Peter: “Let’s see, ... Ruth, Medwick, Gehrig, Cobb, Shoeless Joe, Young, Zach Lee - too many to name? right now.”
“What’s going on?”
Saint Peter: “We’re having our All-Century Baseball Game. You’re just in time.
God wants you to manage. You’ve made the Hall-Of-Heaven by unanimous vote of the Twelve Disciples.
Congratulations, Tommy!”
“Where am I?”
Saint Peter: “You’re in Blue Heaven!
The City of Angels. Thou name is within the Book of Life."
Saint Peter: “The place where the Big Dodger in the Sky Reigns. You always made the Boss laugh with your references to him back in the day.?
You meant what you said. The Boss always knows the truth when he hears it. He hears and sees everything and everybody - even every singing sparrow that has ever sung since Day 1.
The Boss has always admired the way you managed his Boys in Blue - the old fashioned way.
That's quite a testament to you.
His favorite plays were always the Sacrifice Bunts, which was always your strategy. The hit and run - it was fun - and - you won!
You won God with sacrifices.
You caught his eye when you managed the Dukes at Triple A, and when you were the third base coach in the Big's for Smoky (Walt Alston).
He really liked that Miracle Round Tripper Gibby hit back in ‘88.
A real David and Goliath moment!
Great call, you Devil you.
Reminded him of the Miracle Mets of ‘69.
And he loved your line about (Kurt) Bevacqua (San Diego Padres) not being able to - "... hit water if he fell off a boat in the middle of the ocean."
God's always had an affinity with water.
That made his century - all in a twinkling of an eye."
“Are you sure I’m on your list to enter? I'm very, very, very worried."
Saint Peter: “Oh yea, Tommy. Relax and rest.
All humans are under the temptations of sin. But they’re not all True-Blue like you. You more than made your point talking about how you bled Dodger Blue.
You made believers and non-believers - truly believe.?
The Boss always enjoyed listening to your pep talks in the clubhouse and giving the Umps temptations on the field. You held uncountable postgame Italian feasts in your office - and always shared with everyone. You encouraged and influenced more people than you know.
Here’s some of his favorites of you.”
"The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination.”
"I believe managing is like holding a dove in your hand. If you hold it too tightly you kill it, but if you hold it too loosely, you lose it."
"I motivate players through communication, being honest with them, having them respect and appreciate your ability and your help."?
"Say 'Dodgers' and people know you're talking about baseball. Say 'Braves' and they ask, 'What reservation?' Say 'Reds' and they think of communism. Say 'Padres' and they look around for a priest."
"You give loyalty, you'll get it back. You give love, you'll get it back."
“Yeah Saint Peter, those were the very, very, very good old Cracker-Jack days. Okay where do I go from here?? Hey Saint Peter, where is that music coming from that sounds familiar?
Saint Peter: "It's Sinatra out at Cloud-High stadium with Dean Martin and Sammy. The trio are set to sing the National Heaven prior to the game. Branch Rickey will throw out the ceremonial first pitch to Campy Robinson.
Just follow the blue brick road.
It'll lead you to the confluence of Jerry Doggett Way and Walter O'Malley Drive, hang a right, and you'll be there.?
Everyone is waiting for you. It's a full house - a sell out.
Floating room only.
You'll be playing against Casey's Yankees. But first, I want you to meet our beat writers. We record everything that happens.
Always have.
These guys have been writing for us eons now.?
Meet will you - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They're going to start spreading the news that you're here to stay. That you're a part of it. You're in a place that never sleeps. You're the King of the Yoke Jokes - Top of the Heap.
You’re gonna make a Brand New start of it - here in Blue Heaven / Blue Heaven.
That bright Dodger uniform with your blue cap looks radiant on you. We'll keep the lights on for you. Step on in.
Welcome home Tommy."
"Hey there Saint Pete!
Did you hear the one when Koufax and Luciano Pavarotti met up with Jonah and the Whale in that Herman Melville novel?
It's was very, very, very dark and by happenstance there was a full moon that Friday evening, as the waters were calm and glossy - with only the reflection of the moons photons giving them but a pittance light for guidance when all of a sudden ----- ---- ---- ------ -----
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