Tomato Farming Part-2 – Insect Management in Tomato Crops ??????

Tomato Farming Part-2 – Insect Management in Tomato Crops ??????

Tomato farming comes with its share of challenges, especially when dealing with #insect #pests that can significantly reduce crop health and yield. Here's a detailed guide on common pests in tomato crops and their management:

1)????? Leaf miner

Leaf miner larvae tunnel through the lamina of the tomato leaf, eating the chlorophyll-rich mesophyll cells. This leaves an irregular track of dead tissue that eventually causes the leaf to stop functioning. Further damage on crops cause stunted growth and reduce yield.

To control leaf miner, Spray insecticide which has translaminar action.

2)????? Whiteflies

Whitefly adults are yellowish covered with milky white waxy coating on wings. Adults often are clustered together on the under surface of leaves, and fly when disturbed.

It causes damage to leaves by feeding, which causes leaves yellow and curl. It has been found as vector of Tomato Leaf Curl Virus which decrease production drastically in protected farming, so spray suitable insecticide with good spraying coverage to control it.

3)????? Thrips

Thrips are tiny slender, free moving insects. Adults are soft bodied, yellowish to yellowish brown or black in colour. The immature stages have the same body shape as adults but are lighter in colour and are wingless.

High numbers of thrips can cause damage with their feeding, which distorts plant growth, deforms new leaf and flowers. Regular spray of thripicide to control it.

4)????? Mites

Mites are tiny, elongated to oval in shape, deep orange in colour and microscopic. Immature instars and adults are found under the leaves. They are abundant in mid and late summer, when climate where hot and humid. Damaged leaves may turn yellow, curl, wither, and fall from plants. Mite feeding on fruits can cause longitudinal cracks and bronze coloration.

Systemic miticides will be the best option for chemical control. Water stress also cause mite attack, so try to maintain sufficient moisture level in root zone.?

5)????? Aphids

??????????? Aphids are tiny, soft-bodied, pale yellowish, green coloured insects with three dark lines on the back of the abdomen. The aphids are found on the leaves, petioles and stem. Winged and wingless aphids are common. Aphids are normally associated with develop sooty mold.

Remove unwanted grass(weed) and spray good insecticide as symptom appear.

6)????? Mealybugs

Mealybugs are soft-bodied, small, oval, cottony in appearance and are white to pink in colour. Females are wingless with one pair of tail filaments that are half as long as the body. Crawlers excrete honey dew and sooty mold develops. Adults also secrete waxy material.

All crop residues in previously infected fields should be removed and burnt. Clean surrounding area to reduce attack.

7)????? Fruit borer

Larvae show colour variations ranging from greenish to brown. Fully grown caterpillars are apple green with whitish and dark grey broken longitudinal stripes. Larvae feed on leaves and fruits. Advanced stage larvae make clear cut circular holes and eat the contents with rear part of their body seen outside the fruit.

Collect and destroy the infected fruits and grown up larvae. Setup pheromone trap to reduce attack.

8)???? Nematode

Nematodes are small worms which live in the soil, and cannot be seen with the naked eye. They can persist for many years, even after the infected plant has been removed. Nursery soil is a common source of nematodes. So try to plant coco peat nursery. Tomato roots are attacked by nematodes, reducing growth of the plant and yields. The symptoms above ground are similar to other diseases. Confirm nematode attack by examining the roots.

Sign of nematode attack in tomato: -

? Distinctive swellings or knots on the roots

? Plant is stunted (it cannot absorb enough food)

? Leaves go yellow and die

  • ????? Insect Management in Tomato Farming

  1. Summer ploughing will help in exposing resting stage of pest and nematode to sunlight.
  2. Proper plant spacing is important for healthy crop and less susceptible to pests.
  3. Plant some flower crop like marigold as a trap crop, especially on boundary.
  4. Several insect species have developed resistance against insecticide, so rotate insecticide for better results.?
  5. Proper weed management is important as most of weeds besides competing with crop for nutrients and also harbour many pests.
  6. Use plastic mulching to reduce pupation in the soil, repels whiteflies in case of silver coloured sheets and also avoids weed growth.
  7. Regular pruning will increase aeration and help to control insect effectively.
  8. Installation of pheromone traps, Use of yellow water pan, blue and yellow sticky trap will help to monitor/regulate insect attack in crop.
  9. To control leaf miner and whitefly, insecticide with translaminar mode of action will give better result.
  10. Regular destruction of damage fruit.
  11. Water stress also cause insect attack (mite attack), so maintain sufficient moisture level near root one.?


#TomatoFarming #AgricultureTips #PestManagement #SustainableFarming #CropCare #Tomato #Greenhouse #NetHouse #Shadenethouse #TomatoCrops #India #MP #Rajasthan #UP #gujarat #South

??? Pro Tip: Sustainable and proactive pest management ensures higher yields and better quality tomatoes. Share your strategies for pest control in the comments!

What are your go-to techniques for tackling pests in tomato farming? Let’s discuss below! ??


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